Note 57
💦01.All gone sensation in chest- Digitalis, Phosphorous, Stannum Met 💦02. All gone sensation in abdomen- Phosphorous, Sepia, Stannum met. 💦03. Aphasia during singing or talking- Argentum nitricum, Arum triph, Causticum. 💦04. Bed feels hard- Arnica, Baptisia, Pyrogenium. 💦05. Bites (poisoned stage) of Insects- Gentiana lutea, Ledum pal, Staphisagria. 💦06 Bites Cats of- Hepar sulph, Ledum pal, Silicea 💦07 Bites Dogs of- Chromic acid, Lachesis, Lyssin. 💦08 Bites Mad dogs of (Rabies)- Belladonna, Cantaris, Lyssin. 💦09 Bites Snakes of- Arsenic alb, Lachesis, Ledum. 💦10 Bites Spiders of- Cedron, Lachesis, Tarent cub. 💦11. Burning (in general)- Arsenicum album, Phosphorous, Sulphur. 💦12. Burning in soles- Chamomilla, Medorrhinum, Sulphur 💦13. Cathartics- Aloe soc., Croton tig, Podophyllum. 💦14. Cholera- Camphor, Cuprum met, Veratrum alb. 💦15. Chronic rheumatism- Causticum, Rhus tox, Sulphur. 💦16. Climacteric- Graphites, Lachesis, Psorinum. 💦17. Collapse stage- Arsenic alb, Camphor, Carbo veg. 💦18. Coma with renal failure- Apis mel, Cantharis, Merc cor. 💦19. Condylomata- Nitric acid, Staphisagria, Thuja 💦20. Convulsions- Causticum, Cicuta ver, Cuprum met. 💦21. Cough, Caused by least exposure of body parts to cold- Baryta carb, Hepar sulph., Rhus tox. 💦22. Cough, Drinking, amel- Causticum, Coccus cacti, Spongia. 💦23. Cough, During sleep- Chamomilla, Kali carb, Lachesis. 💦24. Cough, While eating- Kali bich, Nux vom, Thuja. 💦25. Cough, 2 A.M. aggravation- Arsenic alb, Kali ars, Kali carb. 💦26. Cough, 3 A.M. aggravation- Antim tart, Kali carb, Sambucus. 💦27. Croup cough- Aconite nap, Hepar sulph, Spongia. 💦28. Damp weather, ailments from- Dulcamara, Natrum sulph, Nux mos. 💦29. Death desire- Aurum met, Lac can, Sulphur. 💦30. Delirium- Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium. 💦31. Diarrhoea - Aloe Soc, Gambogia, Gratiola. 💦32. Diarrhoea, morning- Aloe soc, Natrum sulph, Sulphur. 💦33. Dread of downward motion- Borax, Gelsemium, Sanicula. 💦34. Drooping of eyelids- Causticum, Gelsemium, Sepia. 💦35. Dust aggravation (in general)- Bromium, Drosera, Lyssinum. 💦36. Flatulence- Carbo veg, China, Lycopodium. 💦37. Foetid urine- Benzoic acid, Nitric acid, Sepia. 💦38. Gouty mucous discharge- Argentum nit, Hydrastis, Kali bichrom. 💦39. Haemorrhage- Erigeron, Millefolium, Trillium. 💦40. Hands upon chest during coughing- Arnica mont, Bryonia, Drosera. 💦41. Hard tumors- Calc fluor, Conium, Hecla lava. 💦42. Hopeful- Merc sol, Staphisagria, Tuberculinum. 💦43. Hyper- aesthesia- Cruelty, hearing of- Calc carb, Carcinosin, Causticum. 💦44. Hyper- aesthesia- Drugs, from- Nux vom, Pulsatilla nig, Sulphur. 💦45. Hyper- aesthesia- Fever during- Coffea cruda, Nux vom, Pulsatilla nig. 💦46. Hyper- aesthesia- Light to – Belladonna, Nux vom, Phosphorous. 💦47. Hyper- aesthesia- Music to- Natrum carb, Nux vom, Sepia. 💦48. Hyper- aesthesia- Odors to- Colchicum, Nux vom, Sepia. 💦49. Hyper- aesthesia- Pain to- Chamomilla, Coffea cruda, Hepar sulph. 💦50.Hyper- aesthesia- Taste to- China, Coffea cruda, Lycopodium. 💦51. Hyper- aesthesia- Touch to- Aconite nap, Belladonna, Lachesis. 💦52. Least touching causes violent excitement of sexual organs- Murex per, Origanum, Zincum met. 💦53. Liver diseases- Cardus mar, Chelidonium, Leptandra. 💦54. Masturbation- Bufo rana, Platina, Staphisagria. 💦55. Meningitis- Apis mel., Helleborous, Stramonium. 💦56. Nausea, Children, in- Chamomilla, Ipecac, Rheum. 💦57. Nausea, Church,in- Arsenic alb, Kali carb, Pulsatilla. 💦58. Nausea, Closing eyes, aggravates- Lachesis, Theridion, Thuja. 💦59. Nausea, Cold, after taking, aggravates- Dulcamara, Nux vomica, Ipecac. 💦60. Nausea, Cold, Becoming after- Cocculus ind, Hepar sulph, Kali carb. 💦61. Nausea, Delivery during- Cocculus ind, Ipecac, Pulsatilla. 💦62. Nausea, Disordered stomach, from- Ipecac, Nux vom, Pulsatilla. 💦63. Nausea, Drunkards,in- Arsenic alb, Kali bich, Lachesis. 💦64. Nausea, Eating after, ameliorates- Ferrum met, Kali bich, Sepia. 💦65. Nausea, Fats, after eating- Arsenic alb, Drosera, Pulsatilla. 💦66. Nausea, Food, looking at- Colchicum, Kali bich, Sulphur. 💦67. Nausea, Food, smell of- Colchicum, Ipecac, Sepia. 💦68. Nausea, Food, thought of- Cocculus ind, Colchicum, Sepia. 💦69. Nausea, Odours from- Colchicum, Phos acid, Sepia. 💦70. Offensiveness- Baptisia tinc, Merc sol, Psorinum. 💦71. Offensive breathe- Kali phos, Kreosotum, Merc sol 💦72. Palpitation- Digitalis, Cactus, Kalmia. 💦73. Paralysis, Right sided- Causticum, Rhus tox, Thuja. 💦74. Paralysis, Left sided- Lachesis, Nux vom, Rhus tox. 💦75. Paralysis, Single parts,of- Arsenic alb, Causticum, Dulcamara. 💦76. Pneumonia, Children, of- Antim tart, Ipecac, Kali carb. 💦77. Pneumonia, Drunkards, of- Hyoscyamus, Nux vom, Opium. 💦78. Pneumonia, First stage- Aconite nap, Bryonia alb, Sulphur. 💦79. Pneumonia, Old peoples, of- Aconite nap, Ferrum phos, Merc sol. 💦80. Poliomyelitis- Causticum, Gelsemium, Plumbum met. 💦81. Prolapsus of uterus (sensation of)- Lilium tig, Murex per, Sepia. 💦82. Prolapsus of rectum- Ignatia, Podophyllum, Ruta. 💦83. Profuse expectoration- Hepar sulph, Pulsatilla nig, Stannum met. 💦84 . Prostration, Cares, from- Cocculus ind, Phos acid, Picric acid. 💦85. Prostration, Coition, after- Calc carb, Sepia, Staphisagria. 💦86. Prostration, Grief, after- Ignatia, Lecithin, Phos acid. 💦87. Prostration, Mental exertion, from- Anacardium orient, Kali phos, Kali sulph. 💦88. Prostration, Reading, from- Aurum met, Picric acid, Silicea. 💦89. Prostration, Sexual excesses, after- Agnus castus, Phos acid, Picric acid. 💦90. Purulent expectoration- Kali carb, Lycopodium, Silicea. 💦91. Rattling cough- Antim tart, Hepar sulph, Ipecac. 💦92. Restlessness- Aconite nap, Ars alb, Rhus tox. 💦93. Reverse peristalsis- Nux vom, Opium, Plumbum met. 💦94. Sensitiveness of nose from inspiration- Hepar sulph, Nux vom, Phosphorous. 💦95. Sleepiness- Antim tart, Gelsemium, Nux mos. 💦96. Soreness- Arnica mont, Eupatorium perf, Rhus tox. 💦97. Spinal disorders- Cocculus ind, Nux vom, Phosphorous. 💦98. Sticky, pus discharges- Calc sulph, Graphites, Hepar sulph. 💦99 . Stitching pain- Bryonia alb, Kali carb, Natrum sulph. 💦100. Stool, during flatus- Aloe soc, Oleander, Phos acid. 💦101. Stringy expectoration- Coccus cacti, Hydrastis, Kali bich. 💦102. Stupor- Nux mos, Opium, Phosphoric acid. 💦103. Suicidal disposition- Aurum met, Natrum sulph, Psorinum. 💦104. Suppuration, on slightest injury- Hepar sulph, Merc sol, Silicea. 💦105. Sweating soles- Ammon mur, Nitric acid, Silicea. 💦106. Sweating soles, Offensive- Petroleum, Plumbum met, Silicea. 💦107 . Thirstless with dryness of mouth- Bryonia, Nux mos, Pulsatilla. 💦108. Wandering pain, Extremities- Kali sulph, Lac can, Pulsatilla nig. 💦109. Wandering pain, Joints- Kali bich, Lac can, Pulsatilla nig. 💦110. Warm applications, amel (in general)- Arsenic alb, Kali phos, Mag phos. 💦111. Warts- Nitric acid, Causticum, Dulcamara 💦112. Weepiness in children- Chammomila, Lycopodium, Pulsatilla nig. 💦113. Weepines, Night- Borax, Lycopodium, Psorinum. 💦114. Weepines, Will is not fulfilled, when- Cina, Dulcamara, Spongia. 💦115. Whooping cough- Carbo veg, Drosera, Kali sulp. 💦116. Climacteric Remedies: Lachesis, Sepia, Sulphur. 💦117. Pleurisy: Aconite, Bryonia, Sulphur. 💦118. Offensiveness: Kreosote, Merc sol, Baptisia. 💦119. Spasmodic Cough: Drosera, Ipecac, Cuprum met. 💦120. Chronic Rheumatism: Causticum, Rhus tox, Sulphur. 💦121. Trio of Enlarged Uvula: Apis mel., Kali bi., Hyoscyamus. 💦122. Serous Effusion: Apis mel., Bryonia, Kali carb. 💦123. Prostration: Carbo veg, Arsenic alb, Muriatic acid. 💦124. Twitching and Jerking: Ignatia, Zincum met., Agaricus. 💦125. Nymphomania: Murex, Lilium tig., Platina. 💦126. Fidgety remedies: Kali brom (Hands), Zincum met. (Feet), Phosphorus (General). 💦127. Half Sight Remedies: Aurum met., Lithium carb, Lycopodium. 💦128. Weak Feeling in Chest: Phosphoric acid, Stannum met., Sulphur. 💦129. Thirstlessness: Apis, Aethusa, Pulsatilla. 💦130. Masturbation and Excessive venery: Nux vomica , Staphysagria , Bufo rana. 💦131. Pain: Aconite, Coffea, Chamomila. 💦132. Burns: Arsenicum album, Phosphorous, Sulphur. 💦133. Cholera: Arsenic alb, Camphor, Verat album. 💦134. Homoeopathic Last Aid: Arsenic alb, Carbo v, Muriatic acid. 💦135. Paralysis: Causticum, Rhus tox, Sepia. 💦136. Hyper- aesthesia: Capsicum. China, Plumbum. 💦137. Warts: Causticum, Dulcamara, Thuja. 💦138. Liver Remedies: Aur Mur, Chelidonim, Leptandra Virginica. 💦139. Anti-Scrofulous Remedies: Baryta Carb, Bromium, Iodium. 💦140. Antisporic – (Dr.S.Hahnemann) : Sulph; Calc carb & Lyco 💦141. Asthmatic complications – (Nash.E.B) : Arsenicum, Ipecac, Natrum sulph 💦142. Brain typhus – (Nash.E.B) : Apis mellifica; Helleborus niger and Zincum metallicum 💦143. Burning pain – (Nash.E.B) : Ars alb, Phos, Sulph. 💦144. Cholera (Dr.S.Hahnemann) : Camph, Cupr, Vertrm alba. 💦145. Fluent coryza – (Nash.E.B) Ars alb, Allium cepa, Merc s. 💦146. Glandular Remedies – (Nash.E.B): Brom, Carb ani, Conium. 💦147. Pneumonia – (Nash.E.B) : Mercurius, Chelidonium and Kali carb. 💦148. Profuse Expectoration – (Nash.E.B) : Sanguinaria, Kali hydrod. and Stannum 💦149. Profuse and purulent expectoration– (Nash.E.B) : Hepar sulph., Silicea and Tuberculinum. 💦150. Masturbation and excessive venery – (Farrigton) : Nux vomica, Sulphur, Calcarea c. 💦151. Spasmodic cough – (Nash.E.B) : Drosera; Ipecec & cuprum. 💦152. Weakened constitutions – (Nash.E.B) : Ammonium carb., Cinchona and Carbo vegetabili. 💦153. Urging and colic – (Nash.E.B) : Rheum; Colocynth, and jalapa. 💦154. Chronic Rheumatism And Paralysis – Causticum, Rhus t, Sulphur – (Nash)
‘Animal’ and ‘Food’ Signs in Radiology 🦈Fishtail deformity of the elbow: Due to abnormal trochlear ossification following a distal humeral fracture in childhood. 🆚 Vertebral scalloping: May be anterior or posterior border ♎️ Endosteal scalloping: Medullary cavity masses, e.g multiple myeloma 🦞Lobster claw sign: Of papillary necrosis 🦢 Swan neck deformity: Of rheumatoid arthritis 🦤 Bird-beak sign: Achalasia (also known as rat tail sign) 🐦Beak sign: Of arterial dissection 🐤 Beak sign of sigmoid volvulus 🦤 Gull wing appearance: Erosive osteoarthritis 🐏 Staghorn calculus: Struvite renal calculi 🐈‍⬛Feline esophagus: Horizontal striations seen on barium swallows as a variant of normal also seen in GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) and eosinophilic esophagitis. 🐅 Eye of tiger sign: A ring of marked hypointensity involving the globus pallidus on T2-weighted MRI images due to excess iron accumulation; Classical of Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome (pantothenate kinaseassociated neurodegeneration). 🧠Tigroid white matter on MR spectroscopy: Aka stripe sign/leopard skin sign- seen in metachromatic leukodystrophy and Pelizaeus Merzbacher disease. 🧸 Bear’s paw sign: Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis 🧸Bear claw sign: On contrast CT, in case of hepatic lacerations. 🐄 Hidebound sign: Gastrointestinal scleroderma 🐕 Dural tail: Of meningioma— 🌀 Cyclops lesion: Usually post ACL repair 🍥 Medusa head: Of a developmental venous anomaly (DVA) also a sign of severe portal hypertension 🍔Cervical Hamburger sign: Normal cervical facet joints on axial CT 🐝 Honeycomb lung: UIP/pulmonary fibrosis 🍔 Mesenteric hamburger sign: Mesenteric lymph node enlargement 🍰Omental cake: Metastases to omentum. 🌭Sausage digit: Underlying inflammatory arthritis or dactylitis 🧀Head cheese sign: Hypersensitivity pneumonitis 🍼 Leather bottle stomach: Of linitis plastica (aka water bottle sign) ✝️ Hot cross Bun sign: MRI appearance of pons in neurodegenerative diseases (multisystem atrophy type C; spinocerebellar atrophy types 2.3; variant CJD). 🍄 Mushroom Cap Sign on MRI is seen in rectal endometriosis. 🥞 Pancake brain sign: seen in Holoprosencephaly.
*Diabetes dealing with homeopathy* (Totality is necessary for every prescription) 1. Diabetes + burning like sulphur -Cephalandra indica 2. Diabetes + thuja like - Gymnema sylvestre 3. Diabetes + skin eruption- (diabetic foot) - Syzygium jabolanum 4. Diabetes + emasiation - Uranium nit 5. Diabetes + rheumatism /menstrual irregularities - Abroma augusta 6. Diabetes +neurological disorders/numbness- Curare 7. Diabetes + albuminuria + rhus tox like joint pains- Rhus aromaticus 8. Diabetes + frequent urination+ weakness + rhus tox like rheumatism-Glycerine 9. Diabetes + rapid increased BP + chest constriction- AdrenalinumIt is a remedy for the constipation of travelers and emigrants. Q. : What is the constipation of Natrum muriaticum ? A. : The stools are hard and difficult to expel, causing bleeding and smarting and soreness in the rectum. There is dryness of the rectum and the stools are crumbly in character ; great weakness of the intestine. Q. : What is the characteristic constipation of Phosphorus ? A. : Where the stools are grayish, showing lack of bile. They are long, slender and tough, resembling a dog's stool, and voided with the utmost difficulty. Q. : What is the great characteristic of Silicea in constipation ? A. : It is due to the deficient expulsive power of the rectum and spasmodic condition of the sphincter, which gives rise to the symptom that the stool slips back when partially expelled. Q. : What symptoms has Ammonium muriaticum ? A. : The stools are hard and crumbly, crumble as they pass the anus. All Muriates have crumbly stools. Q. : Give the constipation of Sepia. A. : No desire or urging for days and days ; the stools are hard and large ; inactivity of the rectum, and a sensation of a ball in it ; patient cannot strain and consequently cannot expel stool. Q. : What are the indications for Hydrastis in constipation ? A. : After the use of purgatives, when there is present the sinking, gone feeling at the epigastrium, and symptoms of gastro-duodenal catarrh, such as torpidity of the liver, yellow skin and tenderness in the hepatic region and light colored stools. Q. : What is the constipation of Veratrum ? A. : Large, hard black stools with faintness ; patient strains until covered with cold sweat and then gives it up, and faeces accumulate in large masses in the rectum. Q. : What are the characteristics of the Plumbum constipation ? A. : There is a marked retraction of the abdomen, and a spasm or contraction of the sphincter ani ; there is urging to stool, and the stool is passed in little, round balls, which are black and hard ; they are passed with great difficulty, and are often accompanied by colic or a sensation of a string pulling the anus up into the rectum. Q. : What is peculiar about the stool of Causticum ? A. : Owing to a paralytic condition of the rectum the patient is unable to evacuate the stool when sitting, he is obliged almost to stand. Q. : When is Magnesia muriatica indicated in constipation ? A. : Stools are passed with great difficulty, being composed of hard lumps, which are so dry that they crumble as they pass the anus. Q. : What symptom has Selenium in common with Alumina, Opium, Plumbum and Bryonia ? A. : The faeces are hard and dry and require artificial means for their removal. Peristaltic action is nil with this remedy. 10. Diabetes +headache + dyspepsia -Chionanthus 11. Diabetes + burning in stomach - Iris versicolor 12. Diabetes + metabolic disorders(slowness and lethargy)-Pituitrinum 13. History of repeated allergy + diabetes +chilly +craving sweets - Thyroidinum 14. Diabetes + exhausting cough with mucus + dropsy - Squilla 15. Diabetes + degenerative conditions of vessels and brain - Vanadium 16. Diabetes + Acidity- Pancreatinum 17. Diabetes + Tired backache + insomnia + diversion of mind ameliorates- Helonias Homoeopathy Learning System 18. Diabetes + Impotency + fainting -Moschus 19. Diabetes + sclerosis of brain-Plumbum iodum 20. Diabetes + dropsy + metabolic intoxication + eczema- Urea 21. Diabetes + Opium like paralytic states + constipation /urinary retention-Morphinum 22. Diabetes + Polyuria+ complaints started from pregnancy + constipated-Lac def 23. Diabetes + Joint pains+ diarrhea after getting up+ lot of flatulence- Natrum sulph 24. Diabetes + Blood sugar improved during pregnancy(pregnancy ameliorates)- Tuberculinum
➡️THE ROLE OF HOMEOPATHY IN CONSTIPATION. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Q. : What is the grand characteristic of the Bryonia constipation ? A. : When it is due to dryness of the intestinal tract and the stools are large, dry and brown, as if burnt, and are passed with a great deal of difficulty, owing to an atony of the intestines. Q. : How does it differ from Nux vomica ? A. : Nux vom. produces an increased intestinal action, which is irregular, inharmonious and spasmodic, and this hinders rather than favors an evacuation. Q. : What other drugs besides Bryonia have constipation with atony of the intestines ? A. : Veratrum album and Opium. Q. : To what is the constipation of Opium due ? A. : To complete inactivity of the bowels, owing to a muscular paresis. Under opium the faces become impacted and are passed in little, hard, dry, black balls, and there is absolutely no urging to stool. Q. : How does Plumbum compare here ? A. : Plumbum has stools consisting of hard, black balls, but there is some constriction of the rectum, showing that there is some activity of the muscles present. Q. : What is the constipation of Alumina ? A. : There is complete inertia of the rectum, so that the stool is expelled with great difficulty, no matter what the consistency of it is ; there is little or no urging to stool ; the stools may be dry, hard and knotty, like sheep dung, or soft ; constipation of children where the rectum is dry, hard, inflamed and bleeding. Q. : To what is the constipation of Alumina due ? A. : Both to dryness and inactivity of the rectum, producing the symptom that soft stools are expelled with difficulty. Q. : What is the stool of Anacardium ? A. : There is a sensation of a plug in the rectum, it seems powerless to expel the stool ; even a soft stool is expelled with difficulty. Q. : What are the characteristic symptoms of Nux vomica in constipation ? A. : Inactivity, with constant, ineffectual urging to stool. The passages are incomplete and unsatisfactory, as if part remained behind. Q. : How does Lycopodium compare here ? A. : Lycopodium has ineffectual urging to stool, but under Lycopodium it is not due to irregular intestinal action, but to a constriction of the rectum. Q. : How does Carbo vegetabilis compare here ? A. : Carbo veg. also has ineffectual urging to stool, but here it is due to flatulence. Q. : How is Nux vomica distinguished from Opium, Bryonia and Alumina ? A. : These drugs have no urging at all.It is a remedy for the constipation of travelers and emigrants. Q. : What is the constipation of Natrum muriaticum ? A. : The stools are hard and difficult to expel, causing bleeding and smarting and soreness in the rectum. There is dryness of the rectum and the stools are crumbly in character ; great weakness of the intestine. Q. : What is the characteristic constipation of Phosphorus ? A. : Where the stools are grayish, showing lack of bile. They are long, slender and tough, resembling a dog's stool, and voided with the utmost difficulty. Q. : What is the great characteristic of Silicea in constipation ? A. : It is due to the deficient expulsive power of the rectum and spasmodic condition of the sphincter, which gives rise to the symptom that the stool slips back when partially expelled. Q. : What symptoms has Ammonium muriaticum ? A. : The stools are hard and crumbly, crumble as they pass the anus. All Muriates have crumbly stools. Q. : Give the constipation of Sepia. A. : No desire or urging for days and days ; the stools are hard and large ; inactivity of the rectum, and a sensation of a ball in it ; patient cannot strain and consequently cannot expel stool. Q. : What are the indications for Hydrastis in constipation ? A. : After the use of purgatives, when there is present the sinking, gone feeling at the epigastrium, and symptoms of gastro-duodenal catarrh, such as torpidity of the liver, yellow skin and tenderness in the hepatic region and light colored stools. Q. : What is the constipation of Veratrum ? A. : Large, hard black stools with faintness ; patient strains until covered with cold sweat and then gives it up, and faeces accumulate in large masses in the rectum. Q. : What are the characteristics of the Plumbum constipation ? A. : There is a marked retraction of the abdomen, and a spasm or contraction of the sphincter ani ; there is urging to stool, and the stool is passed in little, round balls, which are black and hard ; they are passed with great difficulty, and are often accompanied by colic or a sensation of a string pulling the anus up into the rectum. Q. : What is peculiar about the stool of Causticum ? A. : Owing to a paralytic condition of the rectum the patient is unable to evacuate the stool when sitting, he is obliged almost to stand. Q. : When is Magnesia muriatica indicated in constipation ? A. : Stools are passed with great difficulty, being composed of hard lumps, which are so dry that they crumble as they pass the anus. Q. : What symptom has Selenium in common with Alumina, Opium, Plumbum and Bryonia ? A. : The faeces are hard and dry and require artificial means for their removal. Peristaltic action is nil with this remedy. Q. : What are the symptoms of Lycopodium in constipation ? A. : Sensation as if something remained behind ; constipation due to constriction of the rectum. It is a useful remedy in the constipation of young children ; it is apt to be associated with hemorrhoids. There is a constricted feeling about the rectum, as in Silicea. Q. : What is the remedy for constipation due to abuse of purgative medicines ? A. : Nux vomica. Q. : What is the constipation of Sulphur ? A. : Ineffectual urging to stool with a sensation of heat, fulness and discomfort in the rectum. It is a useful remedy with which to commence the treatment of constipation. Uneasy feeling all through intestinal tract ; constipation alternating with diarrhoea ; abdominal plethora or passive portal congestion. Q. : What is the characteristic indication for Graphites in constipation ? A. : It is where the stools are covered with mucus and there is no urging. The patient sometimes goes days without a stool, and when it does come it is composed of little round balls knotted together, with shreds of mucus and accompanied with great pain when passing, owing to fissure. Q. : What is the constipation of Platina ? A. : Torpor of the whole intestinal tract ; unsuccessful urging to stool and great dryness of the rectum. The stools adhere to the rectum like putty or glue. There is great weakness in the abdomen and a sensation as if there was a load in the rectum which could not be expelled. It is a remedy for the constipation of travelers and emigrants. Q. : What is the constipation of Natrum muriaticum ? A. : The stools are hard and difficult to expel, causing bleeding and smarting and soreness in the rectum. There is dryness of the rectum and the stools are crumbly in character ; great weakness of the intestine. Q. : What is the characteristic constipation of Phosphorus ? A. : Where the stools are grayish, showing lack of bile. They are long, slender and tough, resembling a dog's stool, and voided with the utmost difficulty. Q. : What is the great characteristic of Silicea in constipation ? A. : It is due to the deficient expulsive power of the rectum and spasmodic condition of the sphincter, which gives rise to the symptom that the stool slips back when partially expelled. Q. : What symptoms has Ammonium muriaticum ? A. : The stools are hard and crumbly, crumble as they pass the anus. All Muriates have crumbly stools. Q. : Give the constipation of Sepia. A. : No desire or urging for days and days ; the stools are hard and large ; inactivity of the rectum, and a sensation of a ball in it ; patient cannot strain and consequently cannot expel stool. Q. : What are the indications for Hydrastis in constipation ? A. : After the use of purgatives, when there is present the sinking, gone feeling at the epigastrium, and symptoms of gastro-duodenal catarrh, such as torpidity of the liver, yellow skin and tenderness in the hepatic region and light colored stools. Q. : What is the constipation of Veratrum ? A. : Large, hard black stools with faintness ; patient strains until covered with cold sweat and then gives it up, and faeces accumulate in large masses in the rectum. Q. : What are the characteristics of the Plumbum constipation ? A. : There is a marked retraction of the abdomen, and a spasm or contraction of the sphincter ani ; there is urging to stool, and the stool is passed in little, round balls, which are black and hard ; they are passed with great difficulty, and are often accompanied by colic or a sensation of a string pulling the anus up into the rectum. Q. : What is peculiar about the stool of Causticum ? A. : Owing to a paralytic condition of the rectum the patient is unable to evacuate the stool when sitting, he is obliged almost to stand. Q. : When is Magnesia muriatica indicated in constipation ? A. : Stools are passed with great difficulty, being composed of hard lumps, which are so dry that they crumble as they pass the anus. Q. : What symptom has Selenium in common with Alumina, Opium, Plumbum and Bryonia ? A. : The faeces are hard and dry and require artificial means for their removal. Peristaltic action is nil with this remedy.
CALCANEAL SPUR: A calcaneal spur (heel spur)is a bony outgrowth from the calcaneal tuberosity (heel bone). It is a form of exostosis. CAUSES: Plantar fasciitis is a common cause of calcaneal spurs.When a foot is exposed to constant stress, calcium deposits build upon the bottom of heel bone causing calcaneal spur. SYMPTOMS: Major symptom is heel pain to be more severe when waking up in the morning or after prolonged periods of rest. TREATMENT: SPECIFIC DRUGS: 1:Conchiolinum 3. Conch has a wide range of action in affections of bone, especially when the growing ends are affected.(Calc phos and Calc carb are its nearest analogues) 2:Hecla lava in lower triturations. Exostosis, sensitivity and painful to touch.(compare with conch) 3:Calc fluor 6X. Pain stepping agg. Exostosis after injury.(calc fluor and rhustox are complementary to each other) 4:Ruta 6. Pain in bones of the feet, can't step heavily on them.(ruta and calc phos are complementary to each other) SIMILAR MEDICINES : 1: Cyclamen 30. Pain sore, bruised, burning,smarting agg; sitting, standing, walking.(Cyclamen helps effectively in heel pain without any modalities) 2: Rhustox 30,200,1M. Pain heel morning on first step. Pain stitching agg; sitting while, standing, when stepping on it,after walking.(pain like nails under the skin, pain like splinters) 3: Phytolacca decandra 30. Pain amel; elevating feet, raising legs. 4: Pulsatilla 30,200,1M. Pain boring stitching morning, agg; evening. agg; beginning to walk, amel; walking. SIMILLIMUM REMEDIES: Prescribed only on individualisation. Aur met,Calc phos,Calc carb, Calc fluor,Caust,Graph,Med,Merc sol,Nit acid,Phos, Phytolacca,Sil, Sulphur (after suppressed eruptions),Thuj. Note: These are only commonly indicated remedies. INTERCURRENT REMEDIES: Med,Thuj
👉RUBRICS FOR ABSCESS AND IT'S REMEDIES ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ✔️Abscess is defined as a confined pocket of pus that collect in tissues,organs and spaces inside the body. ✔️Our Homoeopathic medicine can break the tendency of recurrence and can eliminate it without the help of surgery. 🔘Abscess, blind - Lyco 🔘Abscess, bleeding easily - Puls 🔘Abscess, painful- Anthrac,Ars,Pyrog,Merc,Tarent 🔘Abscess, painful,warm application>Ars 🔘Abscess, painful, cold application>led,Lyc 🔘Abscess, painful, pressure agg Bell-p 🔘Abscess, painful, pressure amel Asaf 🔘Abscess, mature do not - Arn 🔘Abscess, slow developing- Hep,,Merc,Sil 🔘Abscess, slow to heal- Sil 🔘Abscess, of blood vessels Ars,lach,lyc,Puls 🔘Abscess, of cartilages- Stram 🔘Abscess, of connective tissue-Calc-s,Phos 🔘Abscess, of fibrous tissue- Mez 🔘Abscess,of internal organ- Canth,Lach 🔘Abscess, of mucous membrane- sil 🔘Abscess of muscles- Calc 🔘Abscess of thorax- Hep 🔘Abscess, tubercular- Asaf,Myrica,Sil 🔘Abscess, malignant- Tarent-c 🔘Abscess, to absorb the pus-Lach, Phos,Sil 🔘Abscess, to eliminate foreign body- Hep,lob ,Sil 🔘Abscess,with fistulous opening Cal-s,Nat-s 🔘Abscess,with oozing pus- Carb- v 🔘Abscess, with empyocele- Kali-s,Sil, Sulph 🔘Abscess with liver complain- Phos 🔘Abscess,with erysipelous- Apis, Bell 🔘Abscess, with succession- Syph 🔘Abscess, multiple- Vesp 🔘Abscess,from insect stringing-Tarent-c 🔘Abscess, fever after-Phos-ac
“Remedies for Ganglion Cyst” 1.BENZOIC ACID: For Ganglion cyst with stitching pain. 2.CALCAREA FLUOR: For Encysted Ganglion cyst. 3.PHOSPHORUS: For Ganglion cyst with the affection of nerve. 4.RUTA: For Ganglion cyst due to overstraining of wrist joint. 5.RHUS TOX: For Ganglion cyst with severe wrist pain. 6.SILICEA: For Ganglion cyst on the left wrist. 7.THUJA: For Ganglion cyst on the left wrist. 8.CAUSTICUM: For Ganglion cyst with numbness, tingling, and weakness. 9.LAPIS ALBA: For Ganglion cyst, which is pliable. 10.APIS: For Ganglion cyst with burning, stinging pain. 11.BRYONIA ALBA: For Ganglion cyst after injury of joints. 12.CALCAREA CARB: -For Ganglion cyst on the right wrist. 13.ARNICA: For Ganglion cyst with a history of injury. 14.SULPHUR: For Ganglion cyst on the left wrist with numbness. 15.CARBO VEG: For Chronic Ganglion cyst
HOMOEOPATHIC THERAPEUTICS FOR DEHYDRATION ACONITUM NAPELLUS – When acute diarrhoea takes place from the fear and fright than acute dehydration occurs we use aconitum napellus to cure it. ARSENIC ALBUM – When diarrhoea starts after eating and drinking of contaminant water than it is effective remedy. It is prescribed when the character of diarrhoea is yellowish colour with very offensive smell. Severe diarrhoea may leads to dehydration. COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE – Tendency to collapse; moist collapse; due to dehydration i.e. after repeated vomiting or purging.Patient is Weak, Cold, (internally), But Sensitive and Restless. CUPRUM METALLICUM – When in condition of cholera severe water loss takes place than cuprum may cover its all symptoms. Medicine may also covers symptoms like cramps and convulsions when beginning in fingers and toes and rather than spreading all over the body. Symptoms are worse at 3 a.m. and relief takes place from only drinking water. CINCHONA OFFICINALIS (CHINA) – China is suited to both acute and chronic conditions of diarrhoea. When prolonged, long standing diarrhoea takes place and it causes patient to broken down and pumped out than china should be used in condition. CARBO VEGETABLIS – This medicine is suited to when dehydration takes place from painful diarrhoea with frequent, involuntary, cadaverous smelling stool followed by burning in rectum especially in old peoples. It may also used in collapse stage of cholera. GELSEMIUM SEMPERVIRENS – Symptoms like dullness, dizziness, drowsiness, epilepsy are appeared than this Gelsemium may be prescribed. IPECACUANHA – Symptoms like thirstlessness, pre- nausea feeling, Vomiting are appeared than Ipecacuanha may be prescribed. PODOPHYLLUM – When diarrhoea in morning and continues through forenoon, followed by natural stool in evening with sensation of weakness of sinking in stomach than it is effective remedy. Children’s suffer from the dehydration during teething, after eating due to diarrhoea. VERATRUM ALBUM–A perfect picture of collapse, with extreme coldness, blueness, and weakness, is offered by this drug. Cold perspiration on the forehead, with nearly all complaints. Vomiting, purging, and cramps in extremities.
*Quick Notes of coryza* 🤧 Sneezing and excessive nasal discharge only in morning- *Amm phos* 🤧 Sneezing on putting hand in water - *Phosphorus* 🤧 Sneezing on open eyes - *Amm carb/Sang can/Graphitis* 🤧 Sneezing when entering warm room - *Allium cepa/Puls* 🤧 Excessive sneezing with itching in 👂 ear- *Cyclamen* 🤧 Excessive sneezing without any cause- *Gels* 🤧 Sneezing due to dry cold air - *Hep sulph* 🤧 Sneezing specially in evening hrs - *Glycerinum* 🤧 Sneezing with loss of smell - *Kali bi* 🤧As a preventive for sneezing - *Naphthaline* 🤧 Excessive coryza with Continue sneezing- *Skookum chuck* 🤧Chronic tendency with morning coryza or ineffective sneezing - *Silicea* 🤧 Sneezing due to synthetic clothes - *Sulphur* 🤧As a intercurrent - *Tub*
🫀 HYPERTENSION DAY 🫀 Hypertension or high blood pressure occurs when the blood pressure rises to an unhealthy level of 140/90. It is considered to have touched a dangerous level when the blood pressure measurement goes over 180/120. _The theme for World Hypertension Day 2022 is ‘Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control it, Live Longer._ ⚕️Homoeopathic medications for *high blood pressure:* 👉🏻Belladona: Belladona is known for its efficacy in treating high blood pressure, and shows remarkable improvement in individuals having an accelerated pulse rate, dilated pupils and flushed face. 👉🏻Aconitum: Aconitum is a useful homeopathic remedy particularly for patients who suffer from high blood pressure which occurs suddenly, and when the patient is constantly faced by a fear of dying. 👉🏻Nux Vomica: Nux Vomica is effective in lowering down high blood pressure arising due to overeating. 👉🏻Lycopodium: Lycopodium, too, is a general, effective homeopathic remedy for patients suffering from high blood pressure. 👉🏻Ignatia: High blood pressure arising due to emotional upset, anger, grief etc can be treated effectively using Ignatia. 👉🏻Lachesis: Lachesis is a homeopathic remedy which is particularly effective in treating high blood pressure occurring during menopause. ⚕️Homeopathic Medications for *Low Blood Pressure:* Conium: Conium is a homeopathic remedy that helps specifically older patients suffering from low blood pressure and whose body has become weak and the organs of the body don't function to the optimum level. 👉🏻Digitalis: This is an effective homeopathic remedy for patients suffering from heart problems, irregular and very slow pulse, shortness of breath and fatigue. 👉🏻Calcarea phos: Calcarea phos is an effective homeopathic treatment for weak, tired and exhausted individuals. 👉🏻Kalmia: Kalmia may prove to be a good homeopathic remedy for patients suffering from low blood pressure. *Prevention of Blood Pressure* ♦️Eating natural foods and adopting a healthy lifestyle is the best and easiest way to manage blood pressure for both-patients suffering from hypertension or hypotension. ♦️Obesity and lack of physical activity are major culprits behind high blood pressure; which is why, losing weight and exercising regularly can help you manage blood pressure. ♦️Reducing the sodium content and eating more natural, organic foods can be yet another effective way to manage blood pressure. ♦️Cutting down alcohol and nicotine consumption may also help patients lower their blood pressure levels naturally.
👉HOMEOPATHIC PRESPECTIVE TOWARDS TREATING HEEL PAIN ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ✔️Heel pain usually affects the underside or back of your heel. Although heel pain is rarely a symptom of a serious condition, it can interfere with your normal activities, particularly exercise. 🛑Causes-- The most common causes of heel pain are plantar fasciitis (bottom of the heel) and Achilles tendinitis (back of the heel). Causes of heel pain also include: · Achiles tendinitis · Achiles tendon rupture · Bone tumor · Bursitis · Haglund's deformity · Heel spur · Osteomyelitis · Paget’s disease of bone · Peripheral neuropathy · Plantar fasiitis · Reactive arthritis · Retrocalcaneal bursitis · Rheumatoid arthritis · Sarcoidosis · Stress fractures · Tarsal tunnel syndrome ⏩HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDIES ✔️Homoeopathic remedies are very effective for curing heel pain safely. Some of the impotant remedies are given below-- 💊CALCAREA FLOUR -It is an excellent remedy for heel pain due to calcaneal spur. It is the most effective Homeopathic medicine with the best healing power to dissolve the Calcaneal Spur. This Homeopathic remedy is of great help in all cases of Calcaneal Spur whether painful or not. Calcarea Fluor acts as the best resolving agent for Calcaneal Spur and is considered the first choice of Homeopathic remedy in every case of Calcaneal Spur. It is considered a specific remedy for this condition 💊AMMONIUM CARB - Ammonium carb is best for heel pain on standing with tenderness. There is cramps in calf and soles. The big toe painful and wollen. BERBERIS VULGARIS - Berberis vulgaris is effective for heel pain which is relieved by putting the entire body weight on them. Pain in the heel as if ulcerated. 💊BORAX - Borax is effective for heel pain with burning pain in great toe.There is inflammation of the bulb of toess and stitching pain in soles. 💊AMMONIUM MUR 30-Ammonium Mur is a very effective Homeopathic medicine for heel pain due Calcaneal Spur.Pain in heel on walking. This Homeopathic remedy is of great help in decreasing the pain in heel on walking due to Calcaneal Spur. Ammonium Mur helps in decreasing the pain as well as dissolving the spur. Apart from specific worsening of pain on walking, the person also complains of pain in morning. A few people needing Ammonium Mur may get relief by slight rubbing of the heel. The pain can be stitching or tearing in nature . 💊COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE -Colchicum is effective for heel pain due to gout. Pain in big toe and heel. Cannot bear to touch or move it is the guiding symptom. 💊CYCLAMEN - Cyclamen is effective for burning boring pain in heels, better by moving about , massage, warmth , worse sitting or standing and by a cold bath. 💊RHUS TOXICODENDRON - Rhus Tox is the top remedy for pain in heel on standing due to Calcaneal Spur. Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox also helps in repairing the muscles and ligaments covering the heel bone, thus preventing further heel damage. Its next action is to dissolve the spur. Rhus Tox thus acts in three spheres for Calcaneal Spur patients — pain relief, strengthening the muscles or ligaments, and dissolving the spur. The pain is stitching in character. The person may feel the pain as being similar to that caused by a splint. Another expression used may be pain as from a nail under the skin. 💊ARANEA DIADEMA -Aranea Diadema is considered a top Homeopathic medicines for heel pain due Calcaneal Spur treatment. This Homeopathic remedy is best for getting rid of digging and boring type of pains in heel. The pain may alternate with a numb feeling in the heel. An extreme sensitivity to cold air can also be predominantly present 💊AURUM MET -Pain in heel at night. The pain in heel at night due to Calcaneal Spur is best relieved by Aurum Met.lles tendon. 💊ARISTOLOCHIA MIL. -Aristolochia is prescribed when stitching pain in heels occurs with itching. There is cramp like pain in left Achi 💊TARTARIC ACID —Tartaric acid is best for pain in heels and soles.There is tearing pain at soles near the heel, which prevents him setting his foot on the ground after luncheon. 💊LATHYRUS SATIVUS -Lathyrus sat. is prescribed when heels do not touch the ground due to pain on walking. The patient walks on the front part of the feet. 💊MEZEREUM -Pain by touching. Mezereum is best for heel pain due to spur and it is worse by touching. For patients complaining of pain in heel spur when touched, Mezereum is the best remedy. The patient may show an increased sensitivity to cold air. 💊PETROLEUM -Petroleum is prescribed when stitching pain in heels as if by splinters. The heels are rough with cracks and fissures. The complaints are worse in winter. 💊PULSATILLA NIG. -Pulsatilla is prescribed when pricking of nails like pain occurs in heels. The patient puts the feet outside the blanket to cool them as it has a pleasing effect on the pain. 💊PHYTOLACCA DEC. -Phytolacca dec is best when aching pain in heels occurs , which is relieved by elevating the feet. The nature of the pain is like electric shocks. 💊RUTA GRAVEOLENS -Pain in heel extending to Achilles tendon. The tendon that connects the calf muscle present in the back of the leg to heels is known as Tendo Achilles. For patients who have pain in heel due to Calcaneal Spur with the extension of pain in Tendo Achilles, the best Homeopathic remedy for relief is Ruta. Ruta is of great help in bony and tendon complaints. 💊RANUNCULUS BULBOSUS -Ranunculus is best for acute pain in heels. There is pulsative stitches in the left heel on standing. 💊SILICEA - Silicea is prescribed when tearing pain in the heels is present due to sprained ankles. Soreness in feet from instep through to the sole. 💊VALERIANA -Valeriana is prescribed when stinging pain in heels is present while sitting.
*Points to remember from Anatomy* *Toynbee Muscle* = Tensor Tympani *Tailor Muscle* = Sartorius *Climber's Muscle* = Latissimus Dorsi *Beauty Bone* = Clavicle *Labourer’s Nerve* = Median Nerve *Musician’s Nerve* = Ulnar Nerve *Forgotten muscle of Rotator Cuff* = Subscapularis *Nerve of Bell's* = Long thoracic nerve *Pecquet duct* = Thoracic Duct *Boxer’s Fracture* = Fracture through Neck of 5th Metacarpal *Rolando’s Fracture* = Extra-articular fracture at the base of 1st Metacarpal *Graveyard of Ulnar Nerve* = Adductor Pollicis *Widow Maker Artery* = Left Anterior Descending Artery *Policemen of abdomen* = Greater Omentum *Longest Intracranial Course of Cranial nerve* = Trochlear Nerve *Hunter’s Canal* = Adductor Canal
Signs and Tests 💎Adson's test : for thoracic outlet syndrome 💎Allen's test : for testing patency of radial and ulnar arteries 💎Alli's test : for CDH 💎Anvil test : for testing tenderness of the spine 💎Ape thumb : for median nerve injury 💎Apley's grinding test :for meniscus injury 💎Apprehension test : for recurrent dislocation of the shoulder 💎Barlow's test : for CDH 💎Blue sclera : Osteogenesis imperfecta 💎Bryant's test : for anterior dislocation of the shoulder 💎Callways' test : for anterior dislocation of the shoulder 💎Chovstek's sign : for tetany 💎Claw hand : for ulnar nerve injury 💎Coin test : for dorso lumbar tuberculosis of spine 💎Cozen's test : for tennis elbow 💎Drawer test : for ACL and PCL injutries 💎Anterior : for ACL injury 💎Posterior : for ACL injury 💎Finkelstein's test : for de Quervain's tenovaginitis 💎Foot drop : for common peroneal nerve injury 💎Froment's sign : for ulnar nerve injury 💎Gaenslen's test: for SI joint involvement 💎Galleazzi sign : for CDH 💎Gower's sign : for musular dystrophy 💎Hamilton ruler test : for anterior dislocation of the shoulder 💎Kanavel's sign : for infection in ulnar bursa 💎Lasegue's test: for disc prolapse 💎Lachmann test : for ACL injury 💎Ludloffs sign: for avulsion of lesser trochanter 💎McMurray's test : for meniscus injury 💎Nagffziger test : for disc prolapse 💎Ober's test : for tight ilio- tibial band (e.g., in polio) 💎O' Donoghue triad: traid of MCL, ACL & medial meniscus injuries occurring together 💎Ortolani's test : for CDH 💎Pivot shift test : for ACL injury 💎Policeman tip : for Erb's palsy 💎Runner's knee : Patellar tendinitis 💎Sulcus sign: for inferior dislocation of the shoulder 💎Thomas' test : for hip flexion deformity 💎Trendelenburg's test: for unstable hip due to any reaseon (e.g., CDH) 💎Tinel's sign: for detecting improving nerve injury 💎Volkmann's sign : for ischaemic contracture of forearm muscles 💎Wrist drop : for radial nerve injury
FATHER Father of Biology : Aristole Father of Modern Biology: Linnaeus Father of Antibiotics fb: Alexander Fleming Father of Taxonomy : Carolus Linnaeus Father of Immunology : Edward Jenner Father of Microbiology : Anton van Leenuwenhoek Father of Modern Microbiology : Louis Pasteur Father of Medical Microbiology : Robert Koch Father of Pathology : Rudolph Virchow Father of Bacteriology : Robert Koch Father of Virology : W.M.Stanley Father of Embryology : Aristotle Father of Modern Embryology : Ernst Von Baer Father of Physiology : Stephan Hales Father of Modern experimental physiology : Calude Bernard Father of Genetics : Rev. Gregor Mendel Father of Modern Genetics : Bateson Father of Human Genetics/ Biochemical genetics : Arachibald Garrod Father of Experimental Genetics : T.H. Morgan Father of Haploid Genetics / Neurospora Genetics : Dodge Father of Ecology : Theophrastus Father of Cloning : Ian Willmut Father of Plant anatomy : Grew Father of Histology (Microscopic anatomy) : Malpighi Father of Cytology : Robert Hooke Father of modern Cytology : Swanson Father of Paleontology : Leonard da Vinci Father of modern Paleontology : Cuvier Father of Concept of Evolution: Empedocles Father of Botany: Theophrastus Father of Modern Botany : Bauhin Father of Zoology : Aristotle Father of Biochemistry : Liebig Father of Epidemiology : John Snow Father of Plant Pathology : de Bary Father of Modern Pathology : Rudolf Virchow Father of Genetic Engineering : Paul Berg Father of Gene therapy : Anderson Father of Ethology : Konard Lorentz Father of Endocrinology : Thomas Addison Father of Eugenics : Galton Father of Gerantology : Korenchevsk Father of Palynology : Erdtman Father of Stress physiology : Hans Selye Father of Electrocardiography : Einthoven Father of DNA Fingerprinting : Alec Jeffery Father of Mycology : Micheli Father of Bryology : Hedwig Father of Phycology:Father of ATP cycle: Lipmann Father of Chemotherapy :Father of Anatomy : Herophilus Father of Modern Anatomy : Andreas Vesalius Father of actinobiology / radiation biology : HJVS Muller Father of Homeopathy : Hahnemann Father of Ayurveda : Charka Father of Surgery and Plastic Surgery : Susruta Father of Blood circulation : William Harvey Father of Medicine : Hippocrates Father of Blood Group : Landsteiner Father of Polio Vaccine : Jonas Salk Father of Green Revolution: Norman Borlaug
ALOPECIA (HAIR LOSS) Hair loss (Alopecia) can affect just your scalp or your entire body, and it can be temporary or permanent. It can be the result of heredity, hormonal changes, medical conditions or a normal part of aging. Alopecia can be divided into disorders in which the hair follicle is normal but the cycling of hair growth is abnormal and disorders in which the hair follicle is damaged. Main types of Alopecia are : 1. Alopecia areata: Alopecia is the medical term for bald. Areata means patchy. This patchy baldness can develop anywhere on the body, including the scalp, beard area, eyebrows, eyelashes, armpits, inside your nose, or ears. 2.Alopecia totalis: The person loses all hair on the scalp, so the scalp is completely bald. 3.Alopecia universalis: The person loses all hair, leaving the entire body hairless. This is rare. HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES – 1.CALCAREA PHOS – Falling of hairs in bunches on combing. 2.FERRUM PHOS – Hair loss from the head due to anaemia. 3.FLOURIC ACID – Falling of hairs after typhoid fever. 4.KALI CARB. – Hair fall due to dandruff and dryness of the scalp. 5.NATRUM MUR – Premature greying of hair.Hair fall after child birth.Hair comes out in excess while combing. 6.NITRIC ACID – Falling of pubic hair due to syphilis or gonorrhea. 7.OLEU JECORIS – Usefull in unwanted hair on face in females. 8.PHOSPHORIC ACID – Hair fall after an exhausting disease,from the head ,eye brows,eye thins out and grey early. 9.PILOCARPUS- Hair are greying prematurely due to the dryness of scalp. 10.PHOSPHORUS- stops premature greying of hair after diseases. 11.SELENIUM MET – Useful for falling of pubic hairs. 12.SEPIA – Stops falling of hair during pregnancy ,afterchild birth and during nursing of a child. 13.SULPHUR – Falling of hairs in nursing mothers , 14.THALLIUM – Falling of hair after an acute ,exhausting disease.Alopecia with profuse perspiration on the head . Loss of hair as an after effect of anatom bomb explosion. 15.THYROIDINUM – It stops premature greying of hair due to thyroid diseases.It also helpsto restore the naturalcolour of the hair,not turned completely grey. 16.THUJA OCC. –Usefull when the hair grows slowly and splits after growing. 17.LYCOPODIUM – Useful for greying of hair at a young age. Hair fall affects men and women of all ages and often significantly affects social and psychologic well-being. Although it has several causes, a careful history, close attention to the appearance of the hair loss, and a few simple studies can quickly narrow the potential diagnoses. Following remedies are given with indications. It may help the physicians to remind for a remedy considering the symptoms. Selection of potency and dosages depend on the sensitivity, individual’s response to the remedy and chronicity of the condition. 🌼THUJA :: White scaly dandruff ;hair dry and falling out . Hair fall after headache, from vertex. Dry or greasy hair , lusterless and split . Gray hair. 🌼ARNICA:: Improve the blood circulation to the hair root. This is turn hair fall and promotes hair growth. It enriches the scalp with nutrients which help to cure and control dandruff. It is natural scalp coolent and hence prevents scalp disease. 🌼PHOSPHORUS:: Hair fall after mental emotion or sickness. Round patches on scalp completely deprived of hair . Falling of hair in large bunches on the tufts,occiput, forehead and on the sides above the ear. The roots of hair seem to be dry . The denuded scalp looks clear white and smooth. Dandruff copious , fall out in clouds . Itching of the scalp. 🌼WIESBADEN:: Hair falls and grows rapidly. Hard ,brittle and lustreless hair. 🌼ARSENIC : Touching of hair is painful . Bald patch at or near the forehead & sides. Scalp cover with dry scabs and scales. Looking rough and dirty.,extending to forehead, face and ear. Brittle and stiff hair . 🌼ACID FLOUR:: Itching of the head and falling to the hair after fever. Large patches entirely denuded of hair New hair dry and break off . Often hair matts at the end . Baldness. 🌼CALCAREA CARB. :: Hair fall out especially when combing especially during confinement. Dryness of hair ,great sensitiveness of scalp with yellow or white scabs on scalp. Sensation of coldness of outer head. 🌼CARBO VEG:: Falling out of hair after severe disease. Abuse of mercury with great sensitiveness of scalp to pressure. Hair fall out more on back of head ,after severe illness or parturition. Hair fall worse from warmth of head,cold sweat on forehead. 🌼LYCOPODIUM : Hair fall from temples and vertex. Hair becomes grey early ;hair fall off after abdominal disease . After parturition,with burning scalding ,itching of the scalp. Especially on getting warm from exercise during the day. 🌼BARYTA CARB - Hair fall from vertex and moustache. Baldness especially on crown in young people.Scalp very sensitive to touch agg from scraching & touch. ##HAIR PROBLEMS & HOMOEOPATHY ## HAIR baldness : Flouric-ac., Graph., Lyco, Phos., Sep., Sil., HAIR falling in patches : ., Calc., Graph., Lyc., phos., sep. HAIR falling young people : Bar-c., sil. HAIR brittleness : Ars., bell., fl-ac., kali-c. HAIR color changes : Kali-i. HAIR curly, becomes : Mez. HAIR dryness : calc., chel., fl-ac., kali-c., med., phos., plb., psor., sec., sulph., Thuj. HAIR falling, grief, from : Ph-ac. HAIR falling handfuls, in : Lyc., mez., Phos., sulph. HAIR falling due to menopause : Sep. HAIR falling parturition, after : Calc., canth., carb-v., Lyc., nat-m., nit-ac., sep., Sulph. HAIR falling pregnancy, during : Lach. HAIR falling spots in : Apis., ars., calc-p., calc., carb-an., Fl-ac., hep., phos., psor. HAIR falling spots in and comes in white : Vinc. HAIR falling Forehead : Ars., bell., hep., merc., nat-m., phos., sil. HAIR falling Occiput, on : Carb-v., chel., petr., sil., staph. HAIR falling Sides : Bov., graph., kali-c., ph-ac., staph., zinc. HAIR falling Temples : Calc., kali-c., lyc., merc., nat-m., par., sabin. HAIR gray, becomes : Ars., graph., kali-i., kali-n., Lyc., op., ph-ac., sec., sil., sul-ac. HAIR gray becomes in spots : Psor. HAIR greasy : Bry., Phos-ac. HAIR lustreless : Fl-ac., kali-n., med., psor., thuj., tub. HAIR painful when touched : Alum., am-c., ambr., ars., asar., bell., calc., carb-v., carl., chel., chin-s., chin., cinnb., coloc., ferr., fl-ac., hep., kali-i., lac-c., nat-m., nat-s., nit-ac., nux-v., phos., puls., Sel., sep., spira., stann., sulph., zinc. HAIR sticks together : Bor., Mez., nat-m., psor. HAIR sticks together ends at : Bor. HAIR tangles easily : Bor., fl-ac., graph., psor., verat., vinc.
Allergic Rhinitis / Hay Fever Homeopathic Medicines for Sneezing Sabadilla Officinalis – Homeopathic medicine for violent sneezing. Sabadilla Officinalis is a homeopathic medicine used for the treatment of violent sneezing. The chief guiding feature that calls for the use of this medicine is violent sneezing accompanied by a runny nose. Other symptoms may include coryza, pain in forehead, itching, stuffy nose and tickling in the nose. Allium Cepa – Homeopathic medicine for sneezing due to Hay Fever/Allergic Rhinitis. Allium Cepa is a homeopathic medicine indicated in cases where sneezing occurs due to hay fever/allergic rhinitis along with profuse, acrid nasal discharges. Other associated symptoms that point towards the use of this homeopathic medicine for sneezing include a burning sensation in the nostrils, excoriation of the nose and upper lips and a feeling of lumping the nose. It is also used in cases where sneezing gets reduced in the open air and worsens in a warm room. Aralia Racemosa – Homeopathic medicine for sneezing due to exposure to a draught of air. Aralia Racemosa is a homeopathic medicine that is used to treat sneezing which primarily occurs from exposure to the slightest draught of air. Other symptoms that indicate the use of this medicine include watery, excoriating nasal discharges, nasal obstruction, smarting sensation and soreness in the nostrils. Arsenic Album – Homeopathic medicine for sneezing with a runny nose. Arsenic Album is a homeopathic medicine indicated in cases where a runny nose accompanies sneezing. Other symptoms that point towards the use of this medicine include a thin, watery, almost acrid nasal discharge. Excoriation, itching-burning sensation in the nose, nasal blockage and frequent coryza coupled with extreme weakness are some associated symptoms. These symptoms tend to worsen when the affected person is outdoors. Phosphorus – Homeopathic medicine for sneezing due to exposure to strong odors. Phosphorus is the homeopathic medicine indicated in cases where sneezing gets triggered by exposure to strong odors. Some other symptoms include headache, coryza, and feeling of fullness in the nose. A bad smell from the nose, a yellow-green, blood-streaked discharge, and sneezing (that gets worse with exposure to smoke) are other indicators that point towards this medicine. Natrum Mur – Homeopathic medicine for early morning sneezing episodes. Natrum Mur is a well indicated homeopathic medicine for sneezing that occurs early in the morning. Along with sneezing, a thin discharge from nose and hawking of mucous may also occur. Other symptoms that indicate the need for this medicine include coryza, dry nostrils, difficulty breathing and swelling of the nasal mucous membranes. Arundo Mauri – Homeopathic medicine for sneezing with itching nostrils. Arundo Mauri is a homeopathic medicine used in cases where sneezing is accompanied by itching in the nostrils. Itching at the roof of the mouth may also be noted. Other symptoms that indicate the need for this medicine include a burning sensation in nostrils, pain at the root of nose and loss of smell. Sneezing with coryza, with a watery discharge that turns greenish, is another characteristic symptom that calls for the use of this medicine. Euphrasia Officinalis – Homeopathic medicine for sneezing with watery, itchy eyes. Euphrasia Officinalis is a homeopathic medicine used in cases where watery, itchy eyes accompany sneezing. Other symptoms that indicate the need for this medicine include burning sensation, swelling, and redness in eyes, non-irritating nasal discharges, fluent coryza during daytime and obstruction of nasal cavity at night. The nose may also be sensitive to touch. ALLIUM CEPA Hay fever in august every year. Violent sneezing on rising from bed; from handling peaches. Copious, watery and extremely acrid nasal discharge & bland lacrymation. Acrid water drops constantly from tip of nose, burns like fire, excoriates the lips and wings of nose. Feeling of a lump at root of nose. Sneezing, especially when entering a warm room and toward evening; better in open air.Eyes burning, biting, smarting as from smoke, must rub them; watery and suffused; capillaries injected and excessive lachrymation. Fluent coryza with laryngeal symptoms- headache, cough, and hoarseness. ARS IODIDE In persons of pale, delicate complexion, prone to glandular affections. Is to be preferred for persistently irritating, corrosive discharges . The discharge irritates the membrane from which it flows and over which it flows. The discharge may be fetid, watery, and the mucous membrane is always red, angry, swollen; itches and burns. Sneezing/ hay-fever- thin, watery, irritating, excoriating discharge from anterior and posterior nares; – irritation and tingling of nose constant desire to sneeze.agg Warm room. Membrane sore and excoriated, itches and burns. Swelling of tissues within the nose ARALIA RACEMOSA Frequent sneezing. The least current of air causes sneezing, with copious watery, excoriating nasal discharge, of salty acrid taste. Smarting soreness of the posterior nares and alae nasi; awakes with suffocative breathing; dry, wheezing breathing, aggr. During inspiration, amel. by bending forward ARUNDO Hay-fever begins with burning and itching of palate and conjunctiva. Annoying itching in the nostrils and roof of the mouth. Coryza; loss of smell. Sneezing, itching of nostrils. Burning and itching in auditory canals. ANTIPYRINUM Itching, burning in swollen nose; violent, incessant sneezing. Stoppage of nose, though discharge is watery and profuse. Puffiness of lids, eyes deeply suffused, lachrymation Red spots, itching and burning in eyes and ears AILANTHUS GLANDULOSA Copious, thin, ichorous discharge from nose without foetor. Rawness of nostrils, nose and upper lip covered with thick scabs. Fluent catarrh with sneezing. Eyes suffused and congested.General torpor and prostration. Symptoms remarkably alike to malignant scarlatina. AMBROSIA ARTEMISIAEFOLIA A remedy for hay-fever, lachrymation and intolerable itching of the eye-lids. Coryza; sneezing; watery discharge. Nosebleed. Stuffed up feeling of nose and head. Irritation of trachea and bronchial tubes, with asthmatic attacks. Wheezy cough. Eyes smart and burn. Has used the remedy as a prophylactic with success in those cases appearing at the time of the blooming of the ragweed and has prescribed it with marked benefit in cases unquestionably due to the ragweed irritation. It would probably be inefficacious in cases arising from the pollen of the golden rod or daisy APOCYNUM CANN Increases secretions of mucous and serous membranes and acts on cellular tissue, producing oedema and dropsy and on skin causing diaphoresis. Long-continued sneezing. Snuffles of children. [Sambucus.] Chronic nasal catarrh with tendency to acute stuffiness with dull, sluggish memory. Dull headache. Takes cold easily, nostrils become congested and blocked up easily. BAMBUSA ARUNDINACEA Obstruction of nose, wakes him at night, blowing nose doesn’t > During headache , while lying on abdomen , sitting. Sneezing in cold air, when walking in open air CARBO VEG Itching in the nose, with tickling and tingling in the nostrils. Redness of the tip, and scabs at the point of the nose. Obstruction of the nose, esp. towards evening, or serous flow, without coryza. Violent coryza, with hoarseness and rawness of the chest, tingling and tickling in the nose, and ineffectual inclination to sneeze. Itching, smarting, heat, pressure and burning pain in the eyes, and in the corners of the eyes. Nocturnal agglutination of the eyelids. CYCLAMEN EUROPAEUM Frequent sneezing with profuse discharge from nose and loss of smell and taste Itching in ears. Confusion of head with dim vision, pale face, rings around eyes Depraved appetite, enfeebled digestion and menstrual irregularities EUPHORBIUM OFFICINARUM Sneezing, cough, chilliness and heat alternating. Inflamed eyelids glued together morning Dryness of mouth and throat; oppression of chest; dry, deep, hollow, hoarse cough, with irritation of larynx. General prostration with desire to sit or lie down; aggr. From draught of air or dust. Red swelling of cheeks. Nasal pruritus with mucous secretions from naso-pharynx GALPHIMIA GLAUCA Hypersecretion from the nasal and ocular mucous membranes. Oedema of the eyelids Sneezing. Hypersensitivity to weather changes.Hay fever. Allergic vaso-motor afflictions of the nose. Bronchial asthma. Skin allergies : urticaria, herpetic dermatitis, allergic eczema, mycotic eczema HISTAMINUM Allergic and psoric constitutions. Pruritus in the nose , with feeling that the skin on the nose is shrinking.Feeling that nasal orifices are enlarged. Feeling of painful dryness in the nostrils. Inspiration difficult, and painful in cold air. Nose blocked on one or both sides. Head cold, with blocked nostril on one side, and feeling of heat and prickling. Feeling of heat, and pruritus at the edge of the eyelids. Feeling of a foreign body in the eyes. Edge of the eyelids red, oedematous HYDROGENUM Lachrymation, pain in nose pain, sand, as from. Nose ; Coryza agg. eating. Dryness in morning on waking. Sneezing during daytime; in cold air; during chill. Face- sensation of coldness above mouth. Sensation of dryness and moist mouth KALI IOD Sneezing, crying colds. Incessant sneezing for an hour or more every morning on rising the sneezing is incessant, the lachrymation is profuse and the coryza is acrid. The profuse,hot,thin watery, acrid coryza with pain in frontal sinus.Tip of nose red. Ozaena, with perforated septum. Open air agg ;stuffiness and dryness of nose, without discharge. Profuse, cool, greenish, unirritating discharges;every little exposure to damp or even cool air starts the trouble with neuralgic pains in the cheeks involving the frontal sinuses and antrum of highmore eyes and conjunctiva red KALIUM SULPHURICUM CHROMICUM Chromico-Kali sulphuricum 3x has been used successfully in this disease by a number of European confreres. In general, covers a large number of cases, and is equally valuable as protective if given before the season sets in. With the Pulsatilla cold there is usually loss of smell and taste, and there is relief in the open air, even though the patient be chilly LYCOPERSICON ESCULENTUM Hay-fever, with marked aggravation from breathing the least dust. Profuse, watery coryza; drops down throat. Itching in anterior chamber; worse, breathing any dust; better, indoors. Eyes suffused. Worse, right side, open air, continued motion, jars, noises. Better, warm room LYSSINUM Strong odors may start spasms. The greatest sensibility to smell of tobacco; tastes snuff while box is one foot distant. Frequent sneezing, mostly early in morning or late in evening, as if a coryza would begin; also when looking at something bright, and from every little dust. Throws head back when sneezing. Sensitive to least breath of air; air of agreeable temperature feels cold. Slightest draught agg.. LUFFA OPERCULATA Acute or chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes in the nasal cavities. Head cold , with pale or yellow nasal secretion , especially in the morning. Frontal and occipital headache. Dryness of the nasal mucus, with sticky scab formations. Hypertrophy or atrophy of the nasal mucous membranes agg in a room, in dry air > in fresh air. MORPHINUM Bluish, drooping lids. Itching of eyes. Sneezing in paroxysms, coryza. Intense itching, tingling, numb feeling on end of nose, rubs it constantly. Tickling in nose, oesophagus and larynx as before a sneeze. Thirst. Loss of appetite, with aversion to meat. Drowsiness NAJA Severe coryza, thin, acrid secretion. Nose sore, hot, and swollen; with thin discharge. Stuffing of nose, beginning in morning, increasing later, agg. in open air, >> by discharge of thin, watery mucus. Soreness of left wing, with irritation; soreness of right nostril, with ulcerated feeling. Wing of nose becomes sore, with heat and tenderness; worse next day with swelling and pain, secretion suffused; next day >> by an eruption on its edge. NAPHTHALINUM Hay-fever. Spasmodic asthma; better in open air. Fullness, pressure, stuffed up and aching feeling in frontal sinus and forehead, with itching in mouth, nose, ears and eyes Severe paroxysms of sneezing, profuse coryza and lachrymation, irritating the anterior nares, causing redness, heat, swelling and soreness of nose; coryza drops from nose Asthmatic labored respiration, desire to have doors and windows open; stuffed up feeling in chest, more especially left and under sternum; must loosen clothing; used also as a prophylactic. Dyspnea and sighing inspiration. Emphysema in the aged with asthma; long and continued paroxysms of coughing, unable to get a respiration POTHOS FOETIDA Sneezing, with pain in throat. Pain in chest, with difficult breathing. Tongue feels numb. Asthma; relieved by stool. For asthmatic complaints; worse from inhaling any dust. Better in open air. Red swelling across the bridge of the nose SABADILLA Spasmodic sneezing, with running nose. Coryza, with severe frontal pains and redness of eyes and lachrymation. Of great use in hay fever with watery discharge, profuse coryza and frontal pains. There is spasmodic and continual sneezing. It will often cut short an attack, but it will not always cure permanently as it is not deep acting enough. Great itching and irritation of Schneiderian membrane, with violent paroxysms of sneezing; copious watery discharge from nose and eyes; severe frontal headache; Sever lachrymation in open air and when looking at a bright light; redness of eyelids; dryness of mouth without thirst Lachrymation during paroxysm. Sensation of a skin hanging loosely; must swallow it. Warm food and drink relieve. SANGUINARIA CANADENSIS Frequent sneezing, aggr. By odors; watery acrid discharge with much burning Depraved of smell. Dry cough; oppression, pain and soreness in upper part of chest with difficult wheezing breathing, wheezy whistling cough; Asthma with desire to take a deep breath; cough agg. Night. Frequent sneezing and is worse on the right side. Chronic rhinitis; membrane dry and congested SAPONARIA OFFICINALIS Of great use in the treatment of acute colds, coryza, sore throat, etc. Will often “break up” a cold. Coryza. Stopped up feeling in nose, also itching and sneezing. SINAPIS NIGRA Dry nares and pharynx, with thick, lumpy secretion. Mucous membrane of nose dry and hot, no discharge, aggr. afternoon and evening; or red smarting eyelids, much lachrymation, frequent sneezing and discharge of thick acrid mucus, excoriating. Stoppage of left nostril all day, or in afternoon and evening. Nostrils alternately stopped. Throat feels scalded, hot inflamed. Dryness of anterior nares. Mucus from posterior nares feels cold. Hacking cough; better lying down SQUILLA Fluent coryza; margins of nostrils feel sore. Sneezing; throat irritated; short, dry cough; must take a deep breath. Dyspnoea and stitches in chest, and painful contraction of abdominal muscles. Violent, furious, exhausting cough, with much mucus; profuse, salty, slimy expectoration, and with involuntary spurting of urine and sneezing. Child rubs face with fist during cough. Cough provoked by taking a deep breath or cold drinks, from exertion, change from warm to cold air. Cough of measles. Sneezing with coughing. STICTA Feeling of fullness at the root of the nose. [Nux.] Atrophic rhinitis. [Calc. fluor.] Dryness of nasal membrane. Constant need to blow the nose, but no discharge. Dry scabs, especially in evening and night. Hay-fever; incessant sneezing. [Sabad.]. Burning in eyes and soreness of balls. Burning in eyelids. STAPHYSAGRIA Nose ulcerated, with scabs, deep in interior. Violent fluent coryza, with obstruction on one side of nose, frequent sneezing, and lachrymation. Sneezing without coryza. Coryza, with ulcerated nostrils. Coryza; at first discharge of only thick mucus, after of thin water. Obstruction of nasal fossae, with nasal voice. Itching in margins of lids. Itching and biting smarting in internal canthi. Smarting and burning sensation in eyes when writing. TABACCUM Burning sensation and tingling in the nose. Diminished power of smell, which, however, is very sensitive to odour of wine; fumes all but intoxicate her. Frequent sneezing. Dryness and obstruction of nose. Smarting in eyes. Heat and burning sensation in eyes, with redness. TEUCRIUM MARUM VERUM Tingling in nose, frequent sneezing, followed by coryza. Profuse smarting in ears, in open air Tearing and scraping in fauces; tickling in upper part of trachea, aggr. When coughing. Catarrhal condition of both anterior and posterior nostrils. Chronic catarrh; discharge of large, irregular clinkers. Foul breath. Crawling in nostrils, with lachrymation and sneezing. Coryza, with stoppage of nostril WYETHIA Hay-fever symptoms; itching in posterior nares. Dry, posterior nares; no relief from clearing. Throat feels swollen; epiglottis dry and burning. An excellent remedy in pharyngitis, especially the follicular form. Constant clearing and hemming. Dry, hacking cough, caused by tickling of the epiglottis.
*ANAL FISSURE* An anal fissure is a small rip or tear in the lining of the anal canal. 1>ACID NIT: constant oozing of foetid matter with burning rawness n smarting. 2>ALUMINA: fissure with constipation and much straining. 3>BERB VUL: thick yellow discharge of pus n burning sensation at the anus. 4>GRAPHITES: the anus is extremely sore and the stools are covered with mucus. 5>LACHESIS: hummering pain in fissure. 6>PAEONIA: fissure with much oozing. Burning n bittng after stool. Must walk all night. 7>PLATINA: fissure of the anus with crawing n itching every evening. 8>RATANHIA: fissure with cutting and lancinating paings in the rectum. Constriction of anus which aches n burns after stool. 9>SANGUINARIA NIT: burning, irritation n itching in the rectum. 10>SILICEA: pain coming on half an hour after stool n lasting several hours. 11>THUJA OC: severe pain during stool. Violent burning while walking. Sensitive to touch.
HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES FOR BONE PAIN Aconitum napellus- This remedy may be helpful for pain and inflammation that comes on suddenly after exposure to cold wind and weather. Patient feels fearful, panicked during pain. Belladonna- Sudden pain with sensation of heat and throbbing pain.Red and inflamed joint, affected part may feel hot to the touch. Bryonia- This remedy relieves joint pain by staying immobile and applying pressure.complaints aggravates by motion. Eupatorium Perfoliatum - Best suitable for bone Pain during fever.The fever may be dengue, malaria or influenzal fever. The Bone Pains are very severe and specially on head, back, chest and limbs. The bones feel as if they are broken. Symphytom - Symphytum is also known as knit bone.pricking type of pains. The pains are accompanied by excessive soreness in affected bones. Arnica Montana - Bone Pain that results in excessive soreness and lameness in the body. The body feels bruised due to Bone Pain with soreness and lameness. Agaricus - Best suited for pain in vertebral bones when all the vertebral bones (back pain)of the back are extremely sensitive and painful. Calcarea phosphorica- Stiffness and soreness of the joints, worse from drafts and cold, relieved by this remedy. Aching in the bones and tiredness, complains worse from exertion. Calcium deposits or bone-spurs may develop, especially in the neck. A feeling of dissatisfaction and a strong desire for travel. Ledum palustre- Pain in lower joints and extends to higher ones suggests a need for this remedy. Pain and inflammation often begin in the toes and spread up through the ankles and knees.cracking sounds in joints and swollen.Amelioaration in pain and swelling by Cold applications. Rhus toxicodendron- Best medicine to relieves muscular and articular pains at the beginning of motion, and then improved by slow motion.Swelling and stiffness of joints from sprains, over lifting, or overstretching. Must change place, must turn over, must walk, must walk bent
Homoeopathic management for Hypercholesterolemia Allium sativa: Voracious diet, desire for butter. Suited to fleshy people and those used to high living, fleshy persons, whose bowels deranged by the least irregularity of diet. Alumina: Alumina is suited to persons of sedentary habits who suffer from chronic ailments to constitution with diminished animal heat. Appetite bulimia irregular appetite, at one time too strong at another too weak. Craving for starch, chalk, charcoal, and cloves. Coffee or tea ground, indigestible things. Ammonium muriaticum: Especially to those who are fat and sluggish or body large and fat but legs too thin. Obstinate constipation accompanied by much flatus expulsion crumbles from the verge of anus. Antimonium crud: For children and young people inclined to grow fat. Old people with morning diarrhea, suddenly become constipated, or alternate diarrhoea and constipation. Aurum metallicum: Obesity in elderly people. Ailments from grief, fright, anger, mortification. Profound states of melancholy and depression. No love of life. Belladonna: Large, fat people, bloated. Obesity in children. Obesity, always associated with hot, flushed face, glaring eyes, throbbing carotids, excited mental state. Indicated for those people who are internally very weak but obese. Bulimia, with sickly taste in mouth. Ferrum metallicum Obesity with anaemia, puffiness of face with pitting of flesh. Best adapted to young weak persons, anaemic and chlorotic with pseudo plethora that has cold extremities. Fucus vesiculosis Best remedy for anti-obesity and nontoxic goitre. Digestion is improved and flatulence diminished. Obstinate constipation. Thyroid enlargement in obese people. Graphitis Tendency to obesity in females with delayed menstruation. Patients are stout, fair complexion, prone to skin affections and constipation. Take cold easily. Iodum Appetite variable, bulimia, absence of appetite, unusual hunger with amelioration after a meal. Eat too often and too much. Rapid digestion. Iodothyrine Reducing weight may produce glycosuria. Use cautiously in obesity for a fatty heart may not be able to maintain accelerated rhythm. Phytolacca Reduce the fat thus reduce the weight. Glandular remedy. General soreness, lameness, bruised feeling over the whole body. Glands are swollen, heat and inflammation. Piper nigra Disposition of abdomen and chest to obesity. Abdomen swollen, hard, burning. Natrum muriaticum Weight gain is due to continued stress or depression. Dislike to food, especially when fat. Bulimia without appetite. Fullness sensation, craving for salt. Lycopodium Upper part is wasted; lower part of the body is semi dropsically. Accumulation of excess fat over thighs and buttocks. Craving for sweets, bulimia. Tendency to eat far beyond the capacity. Senega Especially suited for person of lax fibres who tend to become obese and for children who are chubby in appearance. Sepia Obesity in females with weakness, yellow complexion and bearing down sensation. Obesity in menopausal women with hot flushes and perspiration. Sensitive to cold air, lack of vital heat especially in chronic disease.
*Ringworm and It's Homoeopathic Management* Ringworm is a kind of fungal infection occuring on the skin. It derived its name not by the presence of an actual worm, instead there is circular scaly infection which appear as there is a worm present beneth the skin. *Causes of Ringworm infection* 1. Contact of an infected person 2. People working in waterlogged condition 3. Human to human contact. *Symptoms of Ringworm infection* 1. Reddish, scaly or white patches 2. Burning sensation on the part 3. Circular lesion 4. Itching on the edges of lesion. *Homoeopathic treatment of Ringworm* *SULPHUR* 1. Itching, irritation, hair loss, pus in the scalp. 2. Dry, scaly, unhealthy skin. 3. Even little injury suppurates. *SEPIA* 1. Itching not relieved by scratching. 2. Ringworm like eruptions every spring 3. Urticaria on going in open air. *RHUS TOX* 1. Skin red and swollen 2. Intense itching. 3. Burning eczematous eruptions. *ARSENICUM ALBUM* 1. Excessive itching and swelling on the affected area. 2. Dry and scaly eruptions worse on scratching and in cold weather. 3. Burning with restlessness. *BOVISTA* 1. Deep impression on the skin 2. Urticaria, when the person is excited 3. Onion like smell in armpit sweat. *CLEMATIS* 1. Scaly, scabby skin lesions with a lot of redness and burning 2. Eruptions, predominantly on the face, hands and back of the scalp 3. Symptoms worsen in the night and from the warmth of the bed, and get better in open air.
*Characteristics of Leucorrhoea and Indicated remedy*🩺 1) acrid, burning, offensive, thin.– *Aresnicum album* 2) acrid, profuse, transparent, ropy, with burning, worse during daytime, and after menses.– *Alumina* 3) like white of eggs, with a sensation as if warm water flowing.– *Borax* 4) Leucorrhoea milky. Before menses, headache, colic, chilliness.– *Calcarea carbonica* 5) yellow, acrid; odor of green corn; worse between periods.– *Kreosotum* 6) acrid, with burning in the vagina.– *Lycopodium clavatum* 7) excoriating, greenish and bloody. – *Mercurius solubilis* 8) acrid, watery.– *Natrium muriaticum* 9) acrid, burning, creamy.– *Pulsatilla nigricans* 10) yellow, greenish, with much itching.– *Sepia officinalis*
🧿Uterine Tumors, Fibroid 👉Caltha.P 30, Iridium 30 👉 If severe Uterine tumour-Aurum M.N. 3x 👉If bleeding Fraxinus amer Q 🧿 Uterinefibroid 👉Conium, Silicia, Calc Iod, lodum, Bacillinum as Inter current remedy 👉Fibroid uterus with vertigo agg lying down - Conium mac from low to high potency. 👉Atrophy of ovary resulting in sterility X-ray 200 👉Nipples crack with warts : Castor Equi 30 👉Breast cancer : Scrofularia Nod Q, Phytolacca, Ast r. 👉Pain breast while nursing : Croton tig, 👉Retracted nipple :Sarsaparilla 👉Dysmenorrhoea : Piscida Q 👉Prolapse uterus : Arctium lappa Q 👉Left sided pelvic pathology in ladies:Thuja, Sabina Eupion 👉 Profuse leucorrhoea with backche & blockage of fallopian tube :Eupion
❇️ SOME NAMED TERMS IN HEMATOLOGY ❇️ 🏸 Tennis racquet appearance - Birbeck granules in LCH 🏈 Soccer ball appearance - coarse chromatin in CLL ⚾️ Pawn ball appearance/ micromegakaryocytes - ET > MPD and MDS 🙎🏻 Convent girl appearance - monomorphic small cells in CLL 👩🏻‍🏫 College girl/garden party appearance - all myeloid precursors in CML 🌠 Starry sky appearance - macrophages (stars) and tumor cells (sky) in Burkitt most commonly, other lymphomas can also show this appearance 🔥 Mott cells/flame cells - multiple myeloma ☄️ Bite cells/blister cells/hemighost cells/irregularly contracted cells - G6PD deficiency 📌 Pincer cells - band 3 deficiency in HS 🏀 Golf ball inclusions - HbH bodies in HbH disease, alpha thal trait 🏵 Giant platelets - Bernard Soulier syndrome 💃🏻 Ballerina skirt appearance : lymphocytes of Infectious
👉🏼 Remedy Comparision /Quarreling ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 1. Kali group---Quarrels at home with known people. 2. Causticum---Quarreling against injustice to achieve justice. 3. Nux Vomica---Quarreling due to intolerance of contradiction, As he is an achiever. 4. Asaefotida--- Quarreling due to anger,destructive rage and fury in a very loud tone 5. Moschus--- Quarrels due to his over senstiveness to all external Impressions. 6. Lycopodium—Quarrels when his authority is challenged. 7.Aurum--- Quarrels when his rules and regulations are not followed. ( Dutiful and discplined.) 8.Cina---- Always complaining, quarreling is a continuous Nagging and moaning. 9.Phosphorus---Quarrels when not getting returned affection. ( Misanthropy) 10.Arsenic alb.---Quarrels due to his extremely censorious and Critical nature. 11.Verat. alb.---Quarrels to show his position. 12.Hyoscymus—Induces quarrel by inciting people. 13.Crocus--- Quarrels due to his changing moods suddenly. 14.Mercury---Quarreling from timidity.So rebelling or revolting. 15.Cantharis—A riotous quarrelsome.Least contradiction makes him furious.
USEFUL AND PRACTICAL PROVERBS IN HOMEOPATHY ========================== 💠Anyone will make mistake , none but a fool ( *baryta* ) will continue in it . 💠Some born great ( *plat* ) , others achieve greatness ( *aur* ) and some ( *lyco* ) have greatness thrust upon them . 💠A job worth doing , is a job worth doing well ( *aur* ) . 💠Empty vessels make the most noise ( *verat* ) . 💠An honourable death is better than a dishonoured life ( *aur* ) . 💠Great talkers are little doers ( *lach ., sulph* ) . 💠A great talker is a great liar ( *op* ) . 💠An idle brain is the devil’s workshop ( *iod* ) . 💠Everything is within the reach of him who makes incessant efforts to get it ( *metals* ) . 💠A penny saved is a penny gained or earned ( *ars ., bry ., calc-fl ., nux-v* ) . 💠A rolling stone gathers no mass ( *fl-ac ., tub* ) . 💠Better late than never ( *stram ., carbons ., cann-in* ) . 💠Cheerfulness is the medicine for the mind ( *croc* ) . 💠Giving and forgiving ( *magnesia* ) . 💠Fear is a dark room , in which negatives are developed ( *gels ., stram* ) . 💠In sickness we fear for our lives ; in health we fear for our money ( *ars ., calc ., lyc* ) . 💠Still water , runs deep ( *ign ., aur ., nat-m ., verat* ) . 💠Jack of all trades and master of none ( *lach* ) . 💠Pride and grace , dwell never in one place ( *plat ., verat* ) . 💠Honesty is the best policy ( *staph* ) . 💠Strike while the iron is hot ( *lach* ) . 💠Great haste makes great waste ( *apis ., mosch ., nat-m .,* ) . 💠Age is a matter of feeling ; not of years ( *fl-ac* ) . 💠A bird in hand is worth two in the bush ( *calc* ) . 💠The easiest way to dignity is humility ( *carc ., staph* ) . 💠He who forgives , ends the quarrel ( *magnesia* ) . 💠You will never be a leader , unless you first learn to follow( aloe, choc)
▶️RUBRICS FOR ABSENT MINDED AND RELATED REMEDIES ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ ⏩Absentminded, absorbed ,as to what will become of him - Nat-m ⏩Absentminded, absorbed,as if, in dream- Anac ⏩Absentminded, apoplexy in- Bar-c ⏩Absentminded, children - Bac, Caust, kali-c, phos ⏩Absentminded, children, school children - Bar-c ⏩Absentminded, dreamy, amorous - Ant-c ⏩Absentminded,epileptic attack,before-lach ⏩Absentminded, faintness with - Sep ⏩Absentminded, fever during - Sulph ⏩Absentminded, alternating with frivolous - Arg, Falco- p ⏩Absentminded, inadvertence- alum, Am-c, Cham, Nux-v, Staph ⏩Absentminded,mense during-Calc, Mur-ac ⏩Absentminded, old age - Am-c, Ambr, Bar-c, Con, Lyc ⏩Absentminded, periodical attacks of, short lasting - Fl-ac, Nux-m ⏩Absentminded, purchases makes and goes out without them - Lac-c ⏩Absentminded, reading while- Agn, Lach, Nux-m, Phos-ac ⏩Absentminded, restlessness with - mag-c ⏩Absentminded, sitting while - Psor ⏩Absentminded, sleepiness with - All-c ⏩Absentminded, spoken to when - Am-c, Ambr, Bar-c, Nux-v ⏩Absentminded, standing in one place, never accomplishes what he undertakes - Med, Nux-m ⏩Absentminded, supposes to be in two places - Lyc ⏩Absentminded, Studying when - Hell ⏩Absentminded, taciturn with - Nux-m ⏩Absentminded, talking confused - Mosch ⏩Absentminded, tottering gait - Nux-m ⏩Absentminded, urticaria in - Bov ⏩Absentminded, vertigo during - Hep ⏩Absentminded, vomiting with - Phos ⏩Absentminded, waking, does not know where he is or what to answer - Nux-m
ADENOIDS The adenoids are a mass of soft tissues behind the nasal cavity. Like lymph nodes, adenoids are part of the immune system and are made of the same type of tissue (lymphoid tissue). White blood cells circulate through the adenoids and other lymphoid tissue, reacting to foreign invaders in the body. We all have adenoids at birth and in childhood, but as we head into adolescence they start to shrink. By adulthood, most people's adenoids have disappeared. Inflammation of the adenoids, often from infection. Bacteria or viruses may cause adenoiditis. Obstructive sleep apnea: While sleeping, enlarged adenoids may intermittently block the flow of air through the throat. This can cause a person to stop breathing for a few seconds (known as apnea) and can occur several times each night. Ear infections (otitis): In children, enlarged adenoids may block the Eustachian tubes, which drain fluid from the ears into the throat. If these tubes are unable to drain, it can lead to repeated ear infections. HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES – CALCAREA SULPHURICA – CS is usefull in cold in head with thick ,yellowish purulent secretion,frequently tinged with blood ;one sided affections,yellowish discharge from posterior nares;Edegs of nostrils are sore,mucous discharges are yellow,thick and lumpy. KALI NITRICUM – Best suited in polypus, swollen feeling ,aggravate right nostril ; nose pointed red and itching , sneezing, aggravate towards morning & afternoon ; ameliorate by drinking sips of water. SILICEA – Nose obstructed & loss of smell; dry hard crusts from bleeding when loosened ;bad effects of vaccination. Suppurative process ,Aggravtion from new moon,morning,from washing, by uncovering. LEMNA MINOR – A catarrhal remedy ;acts specially on the nostril,Nasal polyp,swollen turbinates,Atrophic rhinitis,Asthma from nasal obstruction,putrid smell,crusts & mucopurulent discharges very abundant ,post nasal dribbling,pain likea string from nostrisl to ear ;reduces nasal obstruction .When it is an oedematous condition. Agrravate in damp rainy weather,specially in heavy rains. THUJA – Chronic catarrhal with green mucous,blood & pus . On blowing nose –pain in teeth.Hydrogenoid constitution ;whose blood is morbidly hydroscopic ,worse humid atmospheres;left sided remedy.chilly patient .Aggravation at night ,heat of bed,3am & 3pm,after break fast ,fat,coffee & vaccination.
The most common blood tests are: 💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉 FBC blood test - this is also called a full blood count. It checks for anaemia and other conditions which affect the blood cells. ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️ UE blood test - this is often written as 'U+E', U and Es' or 'U&E' and stands for urea and electrolytes. It is used as a measure of kidney function. ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️ GFR blood test - this is another measure of kidney function. LFT blood test - this stands for liver function test. Blood sugar (glucose) level. ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️ HbA1c blood test - this is a test used in the diagnosis and management of diabetes. GTT Blood clotting tests. Tests for inflammation. Blood cholesterol level. Immunology - such as checking for antibodies to certain viruses and germs (bacteria). Blood grouping. ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️ TSH blood test - this stands for thyroid-stimulating hormone and is one of the tests for thyroid function. ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️ Ca 125 blood test - this is a test for ovarian cancer. PSA blood test - this is a test for prostate cancer. ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️ BNP blood test -this is a test for heart failure. ANA blood test - this is a test for autoimmune conditions. MCH blood test - this is used in the investigation of anaemia. MCV blood test - this is used in the investigation of anaemia. INR blood test - this is a test for blood clotting for people on anticoagulants. CK blood test - this is a test for heart attacks, and muscle and brain conditions. FSH blood test - a test for female infertility and polycystic ovary syndrome. CEA blood test - a test for bowel cancer. LDH blood test- a test for tissue damage in the body.
Children’s mind and Homoeopathy ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 1. Fear of aeroplanes flying overhead-acon.,arnica,cham.,ignatia,nat.mur 2. Fears to go to bed alone-causticum 3. Averse to amusement-baryta.c,staphy,sulph 4. Irritable gets angry with everything-bryonia 5. Awakens terrified,clings to those around-stramonium 6. Enjoys cold water bath-puls,apis,nat.mur 7. Wants to bite anything that it gets-podophyllum,phytolacca 8. Dislikes to be carried-bryonia 9. Fear of being run over by vehicles-phos,hydrocyanic acid 10. Lets the nipple go and cries-ant.tart 11. Obstinate,cries when spoken to-sil 12. Fear of dogs,creeping insects-china 13. Cross after sleep-lyco 14. Cruel habits in children-anacardium 15. Hides things-bell 16. Craves meat-calc phos,mag carb 17. Does not want to play-baryta carb 18. Can be quieted only when carried-cham 19 Does not drink water unless sweetened-sulph 20. Sucks thumb-calc.phos 21. Bites nails-amm.brom.,ars alb,sanicula,hyos. 22. Disposition to touch different things-bell,thuja,sulphur 23. Pretends weeping without tears-staphysagria 24. Weeps from oversensitiveness-kali phos 25. Weeps vehemently-rheum 26. Weeps until it gets something to eat-belladonna 27. Does not allow to undress for examination-pulsatilla 28. Fear of approaching vehicle-phosphorus 29. Obstinate to the extreme-capsicum 30. Cannot remember what has been taught-aethusa,calc carb,baryta carb,phosphorus 31. Steals money-calc carb.....
"PRESCRIPTION BASED ON OBSERVATIONS " * Atrophy of tongue ( paralyzed tounge ) -- Mur-ac * Painful pimple on the tip of tongue -- Bufo rana * Psoriasis of tongue: Castor equi * White furred tongue -- kali- mur * Blue colour tongue -- Gymnocladus candaensis * Clean tongue --Ip * Mapped tongue -- Nat-mur * Indented yellow tongue -- Hydrastis * Cancer of tongue -- kali- cynatum * Varnished tongue -- Pyrogen * Pointed tongue -- Cimicifuga * Posterior coated tongue -- Mercurius iodatus flavus 👉 Mouth ; aphthae bleeding easily : borax 👉 Mouth ; trembling tongue: Gels 👉 Mouth ; bluish ; black tongue : Bufo 👉 Mouth ; brown; tongue ; edges red with : sep, lyc , rhu-t 👉 Mouth ; coated ; velvety ; tongue: benz-ac , Vario 👉 Mouth ; coldness ; tongue ; collapse : Carb-v 👉 Mouth ; cracks ; fissures; black tongue: lyc 👉 Mouth ; dark ; black ; tongue; with bleeding : Mur- ac 👉 Mouth ; dark; black ; gangrenous tongue: Bism 👉 Mouth ; flabby tongue ; heart complaints : lycps( lycopus ) 👉 Mouth ; strawberry tongue: Arum-t , lach , ter . 👉 Mouth ; warts ; tongue ; under : thuja 👉 Mouth ; redness ; cherry like tongue : kali-c . Such type of indication will give you a clue to the remedy. In a busy clinic such type of observation will help you to get exact remedy in short span of time .
💥💥Eponyms of Important Health Diseases 💥💥 💡 Father of health- Cholera 💡Barometer of social welfare- Tuberculosis 💡 Slims disease -HIV Aids 💡Black disease -Kala azar 💡 Black death -Plague 💡Cerebrospinal fever- Meningococcal meningitis 💡Break bone fever -Dengue 💡Monkey fever- Kyasanur forest disease 💡5 day fever - Trench fever 💡8th day disease -Neonatal tetanus 💡100 day cough -Pertussis 💡 Rubeola- Measles 💡 Rubella -German measles 💡 Rubula - Mumps 💡Hansen's disease- Leprosy
Bed Wetting: 1. For habitual bed wetting, give Sulphur 30 1 dose one day Next day Equisetum 6 every evening for a week. If not controlled give Sulphur 200 1 dose one day & Equisetum 30 an alternative evevings for a week; then Sulphur 200 1 dose to close the treatment. 2. If not controlled, give Calc 30 twice daily in a week (This may be alternated with Bell 30 weekly) 3. When the pt passes urine before midnight; also during coughing give Causticum 6 4 hrly (30 1 day morning & evening in a week) 4. If the pt wets the bed during deep sleep day & night give Bell 30 4 hrly 5. Always after first sleep esp in sick girls; urine offensive give Sepia 6 4 hrly 6. Wets the bed during 1st part of the night, dreaming as if urinating at the proper place, give Kreosote 30 twice daily 7. When the pt has a history of worms, give Cina 200 every morning for 4 days. Then after a week give Sulphur 200 1 dose If still continues the course may be repeated. 8. Wets the bed many times at night, also day time give Ferr-met 30 twice daily. 9. When the pt passes urine while sleeping during day, give Cantharis 30 twice daily (FP 12 X twice daily & 200 X weekly) 10. If the above all fails, when passing large quantities of pungent smelling urine of scanty give Medorrhinum 200 weekly twice 11. When the bed that has been wetted in sleep several times become uncleanable and urine smells like intensified urine, give Benz-acid 6, 4 hrly 12. Bed wetting in pts suffering from headache. It cures when Causticum fails, give Gels 30 thrice daily 13. Enuresis in very young children and in old people, give Calc-phos 3X thrice daily 14. Enuresis in grown up children & the urine is hot, give Kali-phos 3 x, 6 x 2 hrly 15. Enuresis nocturnal in heated room better in cold, give Calc-sulph 30 twice daily.
*Vomiting* 🤑from brushing teeth- *cocc.cacti* 🤑odor of food- *stann.met* 🤑From warm food- *lobelia* 🤑From bad smell- *kreosote* 🤑from emotion- *Kali Brom* 🤑After milk- *Aethusa* 🤑 Excessive and uncomfortable- *Belladonna* 🤑Acc. worms- *Cina* 🤑From driving- *Coculus indilca* 🤑After just meal- *Ferr.Met* 🤑Sight of running water- *Hydrophobinum* 🤑Habitual tendency in children- *Iris V* 🤑 After opration- *Phos* 🤑During pregnancy- *Symphoricarpus* 🤑Due to insulting- *Staphy*
DISEASES BEST 3 MEDICINES homeopathic Abortion Sabin, Sec, Caul Acne Rosacea Kali-b, Berb-a, Ant-c Acute Inflammation Acon, Bell, Ferr-p Adenoids Calc-fl, Tub, Bac Alopecia Lyc, Arn, Psor, Anorexia Abrot, Iod, Lyc Anxiety Acon, Cact, Iod Apendicitis Bell, Bry, Psor Aphthae Bapt, Merc-c, Sulph-ac Ascities Apis, Arn, Apoc Asphyxia neonatorum Arn, Ant-t, Op, Asthma Ars, Ip, Dros Aversion of food Ars, colch, Lil-t Azoospermia Lyc, Con, adam Backache Aesc, Kali-c, Merc Bad effect of vaccination Thuj, maland, med, Better by thinking Phos, Calc-p, caust Blepharitis Psor, Graph, Hep Boil Hep, Sil, Bell Burns Canth, Calen, Pic-ac Cancer of Breast Con, Phyt, Aster Cancer of ovaries Con, Kreos, Lach Carbuncle Sil, Tarent, Lach Cataract Calc-fl, Mag-c, Sil Cerebral haemorrhage Bell, Colch, Lach Cerebro-Spinal fever Gels, Agar, Caust Changeability of symptoms Puls, Ign, Nux-m Chilblains Abrot, Borx, Petr Cholera Carb-v, Camph, Verat, Glaucoma Spig, Phos, Sulph Clubbing Graph, Sil, Thuj Colic Coloc, Mag-p, Dios Collapse Acon, Ars, Carb-v Comatose Arg-n, Nux-v, Verat Confusion Cann-i, Petr, Op Conjuctivitis Acon, Bell, Euph Constipation Calc, Alum, Lyc Constitutional trio Calc, Sulph, Lyc Convulsion Cups, Chin, ZINC Corn Thuj, Ant-c, Nit-ac Coryza Bar-c, carb-an, Phys Cyanosis Lach, Laur, Dig Dandruff Ars, Graph, Nat-m Deafness Lyc, Caust, Psor, Delirium Ars, Hyos, Nit-ac Delusion Bell, Ign, Stram Diabetes Uran-n, Syzyg, Lac-ac Diphtheria Dipth., Phyt-b, Merc. Dozing Berb, Canth, Tab Dysmenorrhea Mag-p, Cloc, Bell Eczema Ant-c, Psor, Mez Emaciation Nat-m, Abrot, Sil Emphyseme Hep, Ant-t, Lach Epilepsy Bufo, Caust, Agar Epistaxis Bry, Ant-c, Thuj Erysipelas Apis, Bell, Euph Fainting Acet-ac, Chin, Mosch Fastidiour Ars, Nux-v, Carc Fear Arg-n, Aur-m, Psor Fever Bell, Ferr, Chin First Add Arn, Calen, Ferr-p Fistula in ano Berb-v, Calc, Sil Flatulence Carbo-v, Lyc, Chin Foggy weather Hyper, Rhus-t, Sil Forgetful Bar-c, Lyc, Anac Gall stone Dios, Chol, Nux-v Ganglion Ruta, Benz-ac, Med Gangrene Con, Phyt, Aster Gastroenteritis Carb-v, Nux-m, Arg-n Gingivitis Merc, Calc-fl, Nat-m Gonorrhea Nit-ac, Psor, Mag-s Gooseflesh Hell, Ign, Nux-v Gout Ben-ac, Nit-ac, Colch Gray hair Psor, Thyr, Lyc Grief Caust, Ign, Puls Gumboil Bell, Merc, Phos Haemoptysis Sep, Fl-ac, Ph-ac Haemorrhage Chin, Crot-h, Phos Haemorrhoids Aesc, Aloe, Nit-ac Halitosis Bapt, Borx, Merc Hard Goitre Brom, Iod, Thyr Headache Bell, Nat-m, Psor Heart Burn Arn, Hyper, Led Heart tonic Dig, Cact, Card-m Hernia Lyc, Nux-v, Zinc Herpes Zoster Sulph, apis, Ran-b Hiccough Hyos, Lyc, mag-c Homesickness Caps, Carb-an, Ph-ac Hydrocephalus Calc-p, Hyos, Sil Hypermetropia Calc, Sil, Arg-n Hysteria Valer, Ign, Hyos Impotency Lyc, Calc, Calad Imprints of Teeth Merc, Ars, Chel. Indifference Sep, Fl-ac, Ph-ac Injury Arn, Hyper, Led Insect Bite Led, Canth, Apis Insomnia Op, Nux-v, Coff Iron tonic abuse Puls, suplh, Zinc Jaundice Chel, Nat-s, Sep Keloid Fl-ac, Calc-fl, Apis Leprosy Graph, Hydrc, Sulph Leucoderma Med, Tub, Lach Leucorrhoea Alum, Con, Kreos Leukaemia Nat-ar, Kali-p, Thuj Likes to be magnetized Cupr, Phos, Calc Liver Remedy Nat-s, Chel, Chol. Lochia Kreos, Pyrog, Bapt Loquacity Hyos, Lach, Stram Loss of memory Kali-br, Cann-i, Syph Loss of vital fluid Carbo-v, Caust, Chin Mania Hyos, Bell, Lach Masturbation Calad, Plat, Bufo Measles Spong, Dros, Puls Milk Leg Puls, Rhus-t, Ham Moonligh aggravation Graph, Sil, Thuj Mumps Puls, Brom, Bar-c Murmur Rhus-t, Gels, Tab Mushroom poisoning Nux-v, Ars, Absin Nasal polypus Lem-m, Kali-bi, Thuj Nusrsing children Borx, Calc, Puls Nymphomania Hyos, Lach, Plat Orchitis Brom, Apis, Rhus-t Oversensitivity Bell, Cham, Op Ozaena Asaf, Psor, Mag-s Pain Coff, Bell, Acon Paralysis Gels, Agar, Caust Parkinsonism Merc, Caust, Mat-m Periodical Eup-per, Chin, Nat-m Phimosis Apis, Bell, Canth Photophobia Arg-n, graph, Nat-m Plague Sulph, Bell, Phos Plethora Hyos, Nat-m, Sep Polio Bar-c, Phys, Gels Post operative Arn, Calen, Rhus-t Prostatitis Thuj, Ars, Sel Psoriasis Nat-m, Psor, Tub Pterygium Lach, Arg-n, Psor Ptosis Caust, Con, Rhus-t Pyelitis Ter, Cupr-ar, Merc-c Myopia Phos, Puls, Phys Pyorrhoea Sil, Staph, Kreos Quarrelsome Aur, Ign, Tarent Ranula Ambr. Nit-ac, Calc-c Renal Colic Berb, Canth, Tab Restlessness Ars, Acon, Rhus-t Retained placenta Canth, Caul, Sep Rickets Sil, Calc-p, Calc Ringworm Sulph, Hep, Tell Sand in urine Lyc, Borx, Sarc. Schizophrenia Nat-m, Tub, Plat Sciatica Bry, Kali-i, Rhus-t Scurvy Carb-v, Merc, Mur-ac Sea Sickness Petr, Nux-v, Cocc Shameless Bufo, Anac, Op Shok Acon, Carb-v, Pic-ac Small Pox Anti-c, Malad, thuj Somnambulism Aur, Nat-s, Arg-n Sour Smelling Discharge Rheum., Psor, Mag-c. Spiritless Cann-i, Cham, Bar-c Sprain Ruta, Bry, Arn Strabismus Gels, Bell, ahyos Stammering Bell, Nux-v, Stram Sterility Aur, Nat-m, Sep Stroke Op, Stry, Acon Stye Pluls, Apis, Kali-c Suicidal disposition Aur, Nat-s, Arg-n Sun aggravation Glon, Nat-m, Puls Superstitious Zinc, Lach, Con Swallon Gland Bell, Merc, Phyt Sweat relieves Ars, Nat-m, Psor. Sycotic Arg-n, Thuj, Kali-s Syphilis Auram met, Kali-i, Syph Tobacco ailments from Tab, Op, Nux-v Thinking of complants Ox-ac, Sil, Helon Thirstless Ip, Puls, Gels Thrombosis Lach, Sec, Both Tinnitus Gels, Tab, Caust Tongue Paralysis Caust, Gels, Op Toothache Cham, Plant, Merc, Clendula Travel Sickness Hyper, Rhus-t, Sil Ulcerative Colitis Carc, Lil-t, Chloram Urethral Carcinoma Carc, Merc, Syph Urethral stricture Canth, Merc, Cann-i Urticaria Acon, Apis, Urt-u Uterine fibroid Calc-f, Apis, Phos Varicocele Lach, Sulph, Ham Vertigo Rhus-t, Gels, Tab Vomiting Ars, Puls, Ip Warts Caust, Nit-ac, Thuj Weilse Disease Phos, Coloc, Bell Wen Graph, kali-c, Sil Whooping caugh Dros, Cupr, Spong Wickedness Cocc, Lach, Tarent Worm infestation Cina, Stann, Teucr Wound Led, Staph, Op Writing mistake Bov, Fl-ac, Nux-v Yawning Ign, Lyc, Staph Yellow Coated tungue Kali-b, Nat-m. Chel
*AILMENTS AFTER BUSINESS FAILURE OR STRAIN* 1. A/F - Ambr., AUR., LYCO., Nux-v. 2. Anaemia - Pic-ac. 3. Anger - Ambr., Aur., Calc., Coloc., Kali-br., Nat-m., Nux-v.,Sulph. 3. Dementia - Lil-t. 4. Headache - Pic-ac. 5. Mind affections - Comic. 6. Neurasthenia - Pic-ac. 7.Sleeplessness - Ambr., Ign., Hyos., Kali-br., Kali-p., Rhus-r., Sep.
*How to follow a Doctor's prescription,* *Taken so many years to know these abbreviations...???* > Rx = Treatment. > Hx = History > Dx = Diagnosis > qd = Every day > qod = Every other day > qh = Every Hour > SOS = If needed > AC = Before Meals > PC = After meals > BID = Twice a Day > TID = Thrice a Day > QID = Four times a day > OD = Once a Day > BT = Bed Time > BBF = Before Breakfast > BD = Before Dinner > Tw = Twice a week > SQ = sub cutaneous > IM = Intramuscular > ID = Intradermal > IV = Intravenous > QAM = (every morning) > QPM (every night) > Q4H = (every 4 hours) > HS = (at bedtime) > PRN = (as needed) > Mg = (milligrams) > Mcg/ug = (micrograms) > G or Gm = (grams) > 1TSF ( Teaspoon) = 5 ml > 1 Tablespoonful =15ml *Kindly Share this Useful
✅CD Markers: 📀CD1a, CD207: Langerhan cell histiocytosis cells CD2, CD3, CD4, CD5, CD7, CD8: T cells CD10: Early pre-B cells (immature B cells) CD11c, CD25, CD103, CD123: Hairy cell leukemia cells CD13, CD33, CD117: Myeloid cells CD14, CD64: Monocytic cells (positive in AML-M4 and AML-M5) CD15: Reed-Sternberg cells, neutrophils CD16, CD56: Natural killer cells CD19, CD20, CD21, CD22 : B cells CD23 and CD5 : Chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma CD23 negative and CD5 positive: Mantle cell lymphoma cells CD30 and CD15: Reed-Sternberg cells CD30 positive and CD15 negative: Anaplastic large cell lymphoma cells CD31: Endothelial cells (positive in angiosarcoma) CD33: Myeloid cells and precursors CD34: Stem cells (also positive in angiosarcoma) CD41, CD61: Megakaryocytes and platelets (positive in AML-M7) CD45 : All leukocytes (except Reed-Sternberg cells!) CD45 RO: Memory T cells CD45 RA: Naive T cells CD68: Histiocytes (positive in malignant fibrous histiocytosis) CD99: Ewings sarcoma cells CD117: Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) cells, mast cells (positive in mastocytosis), myeloid cells
INVESTIGATION OF CHOICE (IOC) 1) for acoustic neuroma ----------------------- gadolinium DTPA enhanced MRI 2) nasopharyngeal angiofibroma ------ ---- CECT scan 3) posterior fossa tumours ------------------ MRI 4) DVT ----------------- --------- venous USG 5) pulmonary embolism ----------------- CT chest with contrast 6) imaging of seminal vesicle and ejaculatory ducts ----- -vasography> transrectal USG 7) extraintestinal amoebiasis -------- ELISA 8) avascular necrosis -------------- MRI 9) interstitial lung disease ------ HRCT scan 10) bronchiectasis ------------ HRCT scan 11) osteoporosis --------- DEXA scan (dual energy x-ray absorptiometry) 12) acute ureteric colic -------- non contrast spiral CT scan abdomen 13) renal TB early stage ----- IVP late stage ------ CTscan 14) localization of pheochromocytoma ----- -MRI 15) acute dissection of aorta ----- transoesophageal ECHO 16) chronic dissection of aorta (in stable patients) ----- MRI 17) congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis ------ USG 18) extrahepatic biliary atresia ------- peroperative cholangiogram 19) discrete swelling (solitary nodule) of thyroid ----- FNAC 20) acute Subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) ----- noncontrast CT HEAD 21) to localize site of bleed in SAH ----------- 4 vessel X-ray angiography • Single Bone Metastasis - CT • Multiple Bone Metastasis - Bone scan • Spine Metastasis - MRI • Avascular necrosis- MRI • Bone Density / Osteoporosis- DEXA (Dual energy x ray absorptiometry) • Aneurysm / AV Fistula- Angiography • Dissecting Aneurysm (Stable) - MRI (Unstable) - oesophageal USG Trans • Pericardial effusion- Echocardiography • Lobulated pericardial effusion- MRI> CT • Minimum Pericardial effusion- Echocardiography • Ventricular Function- Echocardiography • Radiotherapy / Chemotherapy induced cardiotoxicity- Endomyocardial Biopsy • CECT Pulmonary Embolism-> Pulmonary Angiography> V / Q Scan • Interstitial lung disease (Sarcoidosis) - HRCT • Bronchiectasis- HRCT scan • Solitary Pulmonary Nodule- High resolution CT (HRCT) • Posterior Mediastinal Tumor- MRI • Pancoast Tumor (Superior Sulcus Tumor) - MRI • Minimum Ascites / Pericardial effusion / Pleural effusion - USG • Traumatic Paraplegia- MRI • Posterior Cranial Fossa - MRI • Acute Haemorrhage- CT • Chronic Haemorrhage- MRI • Intracranial Space Occupying Lesion- MRI • Primary brain tumor- contrast MRI (Gold standard however remains to be biopsy) • Metastatic brain tumor- (Gadolinium) contrast enhanced MRI • Temporal Bone-CT • SAH Diagnosis- unenhanced CT • SAH aetiology- 4 vessel MR Angiography> CT Angiography> DSA • Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma- CECT scan • Acoustic neuroma- Gadolinium DTPA enhanced MRI • Obstetrics- USG • Calcifications- CT • Blunt abdominal Trauma- CT • Acute Pancreatitis- CT • GERD- pH manometer> endoscopy • Dysphagia- Endoscopy • Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis- biliary USG • Extraheia perioperative cholangiogram • Obstructive Jaundice / GB Stones- USG • Diverticulosis - barium enema • Diverticulitis - CT scan • Renal TB (early) - IVP (Late) - CT • Posterior Urethral Valve- MCU • Ureteric stone- non contrast CT • Renal Artery Stenosis - Percutaneous Angiography • Extraintestinal Amoebiasis- ELISA • Discrete swelling (solitary nodule) of thyroid- FNAC.

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