
Mercurius Iod. An excellent remedy for phimosis.

Sulphur. In children with discharge of fetid pus.

Hepar Sulph. Discharge of pus, throbbing pain.

Cinnabaris. Discharge of pus-like, fetid pus (secondary syphilis). Prepuce swollen.

Nitric Acid. Prepuce thickened, fissured, can't get retracted and itches fearfully.

Acetic Acid. Prepuce thickened, fissured, can't be retracted & itches fearfully.

Mercurius. Caused by syphilis.

Jacaranda. Phimosis with prepuce painful and swollen.

Aconite- Apis - Bell

Acute inflammatory phimosis. Use in the given order


Graphites. Swelling of a large water blister without pain.

Rhus Tox. Dark red swelling with pain and burning.

Caladium. Swelling along the margins.

Merc. Sol. Skin could not be drawn over the glands, copious yellowish green pus when attempting to do so.